Sunday miscellany

Feb 16, 2014 10:55

I feel sorry for all of you who have snow and ice and can't get to work (oh, poor you) and whatnot, but I absolutely can't relate. I had to turn my air conditioner on yesterday. It was almost 90 degrees, and it has been unreasonably hot all "winter", so there's not been any break from it. Some people get SAD when it's cold and dark, but I actually get a little mental when it's hot and sunny for long stretches. Not to mention how everything is in bloom since the plants think it's spring, so it's allergy season in the middle of winter - tree and grass and flower pollen, just kill me now.

I spent my Saturday productively, though -- I fused with the couch and watched the first 11 episodes of House of Cards season 2. OMG. OMGGGGGGG. I stand by my pronouncement from last year: still one of the best shows I've seen in YEARS. Yearrrrs. Kevin Spacey is PHENOMENAL but so is Robin Wright. Absolutely amazing. And my Woman King (thank you sdwolfpup!) is in this season with a prominent role! (That would be Molly Parker, aka Alma Garrett on Deadwood.) UGH I don't want it to be over. Only two eps left. *goes into preemptive withdrawals* It'll be good when I'm done because then I'll have to do important things like bleach the bathroom and cook some actual food. (Who can be bothered with food when there is House of Cards to watch??? I had chips and a cheese slice for dinner last night.) Netflix is also very clever, because they don't give you any downtime between episodes when you're binge-watching; 8 seconds into the credits of each ep, they auto-start the next ep. SMART PROGRAMMERS. *g*

Thank you to everyone who sent in comments to the Valentine's Day Game, for me and for all the others who received love that day. I got a bit teary when I read my comments. IDEK. I love you guys. A lot. If you haven't looked at it, you should! You never know if someone might have dropped you a love bomb. (And if not, just looking at all the comments might fill you with joy about fandom. It did me.)

In link-related news, here's some stuff.

An eye-opening look at Chris Christie's political history and career.

Sportscaster Dale Hansen classily but directly tells off the homophobes and bigots, and those who excuse criminal behavior in the NFL but "aren't comfortable" with a man loving another man.

house of cards, valentines, news, life

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