Yuletide reccing ball, part 1 - 8 fandoms, 10 stories

Dec 27, 2013 12:20

I honestly haven't had much time to read yet this year, but I do already have a few recs. I'm sure there are more to come.

l'Heure d' Hiver - Hornblower, Bush/Hornblower. This fills in the gaps for certain scenes from one of the books (Flying Colours), but I haven't read that book and I still loved it to pieces, seriously. It's everything I love about the two of them. Fair warning, this is definitely bookverse.

West - The Stand, multiple characters. Fran, Lucy, Sue and Nadine walk west to face Flagg.

By Land or By Sea - Hornblower, Bush/Hornblower (sort of unrequited Bush) - a bit of Bush pining.

Reunion - Song of Achilles, Achilles/Patroclus. Gorgeous missing porny/emotional scene from the book.

We've Gotten Strange, We've Gotten Older (It'll Be All Right - Spartacus (TV), Agron/Nasir. OH MY HEART! You know, most of the stories in this fandom just don't do it for me. Stilted dialogue, overly flowery, whatever. This story is PERFECT. Futurefic, goat farming, FEELS.

Shy Gazelle - Brideshead Revisited (2008), Sebastian/Charles. These two can never have a happy ending, which is why this bit really worked for me.

Musical Chairs - Tombstone, Doc Holliday/Morgan Earp. I will be honest and say I wouldn't have read this if I'd known this was the pairing; the author (wisely or not) chose not to list the pairing on the story itself. That being said, I was caught off guard in a good way by the story, which is not what I thought it would be, and has some really brilliant lines.

Wherever You Go - The Eagle, Marcus/Esca. An AU take on what happens during the flight from the Seal People.

Postbellum - Captive Prince, Damen/Laurent. An amazing, perfectly-in-character scene which details the reunion we all know is coming.

Till China and Africa meet, and the river jumps over the mountain - Captive Prince, Damen/Laurent. FEELS. This deals with Damen realizing what Laurent suffered at the Regent's hands.

part 2 of my recs over here

tombstone, the eagle, recs, song of achilles, hornblower, captive prince

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