December 27 - fics that made me reconsider a particular OTP

Dec 27, 2013 10:50

unbidden_truth asked: What are things that make you fall for a particular ship? Does it play a major reason why you are fannish about a show or does it come later? (or just depends?) Has there been fics that have made you reconsider a particular OTP (examples and recs welcomed :)

I think I mostly answered the first part of this question on December 22 when discussing what tips me over into fannishness about a media property, because it's all part and parcel of the same thing. But as to the second part of the question - fics that have made me reconsider a particular OTP - that is a different issue. I generally only have a single OTP in every fandom, though there have been exceptions. And sometimes the OTP changes. In Supernatural fandom, for example, I am really kind of hardcore Sam/Dean, but I also really, really love Dean/Castiel. I'm kind of over being apologetic about that fact. In SG-1 fandom I was absolutely ONLY Jack/Daniel, but I harbored some secret Jack/Teal'c leanings. It happens. But it's pretty rare for fic to swing me in a direction I wasn't already going.

The one exception to this I can think of was in Merlin fandom. I happened to read three outstanding Gwaine/Merlin stories in rapid succession, and by the time I had finished them, I had stars in my eyes for that pairing. So it's always been a pairing I believe in, and have adored on the side, thanks to the persuasion I received from those stories.

For the curious, those stories are:
Along a Wandering Wind by angstslashhope
The Five Kingdoms by misswinterhill
Like Smoke from Fire (and the Gwaine/Merlin/Arthur sequel, Like Fire from Smoke) by myashke

***Dec 18 - killabeez - you and I go to New Orleans together for two weeks. What do we do? What do we eat? Where do we stay? What kind of trouble do we get into? What music do we not miss? Is it Mardi Gras? (Possibly a silly question.) If so, which parades do we go to?
***Dec 19 ariadnes_string - what are your favorite tropes in fic and why? (Exemplary recs welcome!)
***Dec 20 latxcvi - Why did the Spartacus series(es) rock your world?

Dec 28 - tabby333 - Your favorite television character and why?
Dec 29 - laurashapiro - I would love to hear anything you have to say about vidding: what you've learned since you started, your process, things you'd like to try next, etc.
Dec 30 - elishavah - I'd love to hear about something you tried and tried at (fandom-related or in RL), and finally succeeded.
Dec 31 - musesfool - PINK KITCHEN ITEMS

merlin, memes

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