Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! It is a day for being off work and having BBQ and fireworks, but I will be sequestered in the kitchen revamping my entire Paper Legends story, because it doesn't work at all and I have to finish it like yesterday and get it out to beta. Sometimes it's like I have forgotten how to write. Which clearly I haven't, because 42,000 words. BUT THEY ARE IN THE WRONG ORDER AND STUFF IS MISSING AND IT IS ALL WRONG SO WRONG.
In other news, people who don't understand why Spartacus (the Starz series) is so awesome, or have turned up their noses at it, should totally check out
this Tumblr post where smart people explain u a thing about Spartacus. (For those not familiar with Tumblr, click on the main graphic and it will enlarge to a series of slides.) That show is so excellent.