Greetings LJ. Or at least, those of you who are still here in the ghost town. I reached 40K on my
paperlegends story last night and then I stopped and stared at it in despair, because it's still not done and it's a mess and there's not much time. WHY DID I PACK SO MUCH PLOT INTO THIS STORY. *weeps*
In much better news,
obsessive24 and
jetpackmonkey have finished up their respective VividCon auction vids for me, and THEY ARE FUCKING SPECTACULAR. You will see. Well, you will see eventually. I think it was kismet that I would have the winning bids and these two particular vidders would make these vids. The fandoms are Spartacus and Deep Space Nine, and honestly, the love I feel for both these vids could power the sun. Maybe that's why it's going to be 110 here today and everything is catching fire. I am actually melting.
Also I sent a vid to VVC premieres, after much debate with myself about whether it's really a con vid, and whether or not it will fit into the premieres show. It wouldn't have been possible or even exist without
killabeez, tho, on so many levels. <3<3<3
In other news, TV.
I have great affection for many of these privileged/sneaky/annoying/deeply flawed characters. Lord Grantham, Carson, Anna, Edith, and Bates, in particular. And Maggie Smith, whatever her name is. I bawled like a baby when William died, but Daisy is annoying in all the wrong ways, and her complete inability to show compassion was awful. Much like Game of Thrones, there are a few characters who can die immediately and I'd be okay with it - Mary and Thomas, in particular. I LOATHE MARY. Absolutely loathe her. I think we're supposed to think she's a brassy, opinionated gal with a hidden heart of gold, but mostly I think she's a selfish, pompous, purposely cruel bitch. Matthew is too good for her. But I'm sure they'll end up together. It's a Wuthering Heights kind of thing, except for how Matthew is so nice. I hated Wuthering Heights.
And then,
SoA continues to be my treadmill TV watching of choice, but it's so ridiculous. Every time they are all about to go to prison, something happens that saves them, and it's getting crazier and crazier. I loved that they outsmarted the feds in season 3, but in season 4, I was just like, WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE, CIA WUT. Meanwhile, CLAY! Cold-blooded killer! Gemma isn't much better. Jax and Opie remain my favorites, tho. And Bobby. I can't make any jokes about characters dying in a fire for this show, tho, because. Well. Spoilery thing. SO HORRIFYING. This show never pulls any punches on the brutality factor of a life of organized crime (which IS IN FACT WHAT ACTUAL 1% MCs DO, don't kid yourself about your local 'riding club' which is not the same thing), even in the ridiculousness.
And that's the latest. Oh! If you love Bradley James, you should check out his
showreel over on
gealach-ros's LJ. Eoin Macken's is there too. I want Bradley to land a US series like Eoin, so I can ogle him regularly. If wishes were horses.