SPN vid rec of total awesomeness

Sep 01, 2010 10:38

eeeeeeeeeeee, SO! A few months ago I won giandujakiss's talents in the Sweet Charity auction, which made me ecstatic. I bid on GK because I loved her vid Believe, and I was betting she was the right person to vid SPN for me. But -- and here was the kicker -- I wanted the vid to be alternating POVs (Sam and Dean), and I wanted it to Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi. Yes. One of the most prolifically vidded songs ever, and most of those vids are...let's just say most of those vids don't live up to the potential of the song. HOWEVER! I knew someone out there could make a stunning vid to Blaze of Glory, embracing it for what it is and featuring hot, badass, tragic Winchesters, fighting the good fight, side by side, right to the end.

So I pitched the song to her, and because she's a trooper, she was like, sure! I'll give it a try! And then yesterday she sent me this brilliant, gorgeous vid of Sam and Dean, fighting and loving and angsting and battling, going down in many a blaze of glory, OMG. I love it so much, all I can do is point you to it and flail happily in the hopes that you'll go watch it and give the vidder some love. It's everything I enjoy about the show -- it's Sam and Dean and their destiny, and GK makes some gorgeously subtle points in the midst of all the blatant badassery (the beauty of having lyrics where there can be a mix of dead-on literalism and perfect metaphors), and it features a perfect homage to Ellen and Jo (without which IDEK how a SPN vid about going down in a blaze of glory can exist) and it's fantastic. :D

Blaze of Glory by giandujakiss. With some truly stunning cover graphics by tripoli8.

vid recs

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