AI finale

May 20, 2009 22:09

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Comments 33

merryish May 21 2009, 05:13:35 UTC

I mean, I wanted Adam to win, but I can't be destroyed about it because

a) Kris was sincerely amazed about it and said Adam deserved it and

b) They were adorable all night together, with hugs and back pats and grinning their faces off and more hugs and props and just generally enjoying the hell out of each other, for which I forgive a *great* many things, and finally:

c) no way did Adam get to front for both KISS and Queen in one night and not come out feeling like he rules the fucking WORLD

So. ♥ ♥ &hearts!


destina May 21 2009, 05:17:31 UTC
I turned it off the moment I saw Adam didn't win, because I was so relieved. God, I'm so glad America did not ruin his career for him. *g* So I missed Kris being amazed and such, but I think he is genuinely sweet, and therefore I'm happy for him. Tho I think his career will be short. Heh.

Also: I could not believe it when I saw what Adam was wearing up there for the KISS number, because I thought -- oh NO, what is that?! -- and the moment he started singing Beth, I was like, KISS KISS KISSSSSSSS! I think he must have thought he was in heaven. I sure was. :D :D :D


merryish May 21 2009, 05:20:13 UTC
Allow me to quote Kris's first words for you!

Kris: "Are you serious? Are you SERIOUS?"

Ryan: "You just won American Idol, bro. How does it feel?"

Kris: "It feels good, but Adam just...Adam deserves this! I don't even know what to feel. This is crazy!"



destina May 21 2009, 05:21:37 UTC
Now that is kind of awesome, I must admit. OK, I will stop thinking 'short career' for him and start thinking 'short but profitable career' instead. *g* (Also, when he's right, he's right.)


kres May 21 2009, 05:20:20 UTC
WHAT SHE SAID YES OMG yes he can do his own album, yo. Stupid, stupid competition, stupid democracy, but yes, I shall take this a silver lining.




destina May 21 2009, 05:22:13 UTC
EXACTLY! :D (Democracy has a silver lining, and its name is 'Adam's first awesome album'.)


kres May 21 2009, 05:31:30 UTC

And yes, I also turned off right after he didn't win, but it was in dismay.



astolat May 21 2009, 05:31:49 UTC
THIS omg.

Also omg! this means we get a new single from him THIS SUMMER. and it will NOT be "No Boundaries"!!! \o/


destina May 21 2009, 05:35:45 UTC
THANK GOD! Can that official Idol generic song 2009 suck any harder??? I can't wait to see what kind of album Adam puts out; it cannot possibly be anything but awesome. And also, I was finally sold on your boy Cook tonight, with that beautiful song he sang. It was very touching.


astolat May 21 2009, 07:33:24 UTC
yay! yeah, that song always makes me tear up a little. there's a youtube of it from his tour (when his brother was failing, although we didn't know it at the time) and it's just heartbreaking, he can't make it through.

And I am really psyched for Adam's album. Also I am happy that Kris basically won because all of Arkansas powervoted for their hometown boy, rather than because anti-gay bigots voted against Adam.


girlguidejones May 21 2009, 05:47:06 UTC
It's all waiting on the DVR, but I wasn't super-invested after Danny got the axe so I don't mind knowing ahead of time. As likeable as Kris is, Danny was far more talented, imho. I hope he gets a shot at recording as well.

I'll be happy to support whatever Adam puts out (and Kris, too, if it's as unique as his Heartless remix was). Since I haven't actually watched either Tues or tonight, I can't actually judge the final performances. But I will say that even though we elected a black man for president, I was pretty sure the country wasn't going to choose a gay guy who can sing in three octaves and wears eyeliner when NOT performing as their American Idol. (Sad to say.)

But! Like you said, yaye for him! Much better prospects. :)


destina May 21 2009, 05:51:09 UTC
So many good performances tonight from 70's and 80's stars and bands! I was really excited. (Anytime I don't have to suffer through generic top-of-the-pop-chart stars singing badly, I get excited, clearly. *g*)

I think it's hard to say why certain stars win and others don't. I was stunned when Chris Daughtry was voted off, and he went on to be a mega-star. I do think there's a lot of dialing machine voting that goes on, and that has an impact on things, too. I'd love to blame America's homophobia, but then I think back to David Bowie and Boy George, and I just don't think so. In music, it matters very little. Eh. Irrelevant now. Adam will be a huge star. *g*


girlguidejones May 21 2009, 05:59:48 UTC
but then I think back to David Bowie and Boy George

Good point. Although they were, to some extent, chosen for us and presented as recording stars (by the UK, IIRC? I could be wrong). Had it been up to the US television-watching audience to choose "America's Star" I'm not entirely certain we'd have selected them had a halfway-comparable, hetero-normative alternative been presented. But that could be me and my flaming liberal bias, too. Heh.

Eh. Irrelevant now. Adam will be a huge star.

I almost feel like it was irrelevant from the beginning. Hee. He is SO amazingly talented! \o/


BTW- girlguidejones May 21 2009, 19:55:07 UTC
After actually watching, I love Adam even MOAR because he seemed so genuinely thrilled for Kris. I don't think he could fake that reaction. It was totally adorable! \o/


aizjanika May 21 2009, 06:02:43 UTC
I really wanted Adam to win so much. I know that Idol can restrict the winners a lot--especially with their first (and sometimes subsequent) albums, but I think Adam really wanted the win. He's such a sweetheart and would have been SO great with all the press and everything that the winner has to do. Kris does seem down to earth, too, though and awfully sweet ( ... )


destina May 24 2009, 01:06:34 UTC
Pretty much every year, the coronation song or songs have sucked, and I just...I wonder why they keep doing that. It is SO BAD, every time. And they give no consideration to the vocal abilities of the likely winner. *g*

I've been watching AI since season two; I didn't watch last year, because I was working too much, but I went back in this year. :D


aizjanika May 24 2009, 10:05:10 UTC
Aw, you missed last year? There were a lot of talented people in it last year. I fell for David Cook after the finale, so I saw mostly only his performances on YouTube and/or downloaded versions. I watched the whole season when they showed it in reruns in January, though, and I think I liked most of them (as singers/performers) better than most from this season. I liked this season, too, though. Who knew AI could be such fun? Everyone but me, I think. :-)


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