Hi, hello.
SPN is my happy place, where I've been able to read across genres and enjoy a little of everything, and share love for my show and for the boys. Sam and Dean love each other, you know. And they give us lots and lots of emo porn and snark and pretty, those boys. Also on offer in my happy place: interesting mytharc. And a generous community built around fantastic ficathons and newsletters and art and icons and screencaps and joy.
Thus far I've friended and been friended by many awesome people whose tastes run the gamut from gen to Sam/Dean to het and back again, just as mine do, and it has enriched my fannish experience tenfold. Long may it be so. There are kick-ass stories for everyone, no matter what you do or don't like to read - and really, to be honest with you, I don't care what any of you do or don't like to read in more than a very peripheral and community-considerate way, any more than I care what you like to eat for breakfast. To each their own. I love to see you enjoy your bacon and eggs, or your granola, and I'll have a serving of them too. Meanwhile, I'll have my buttered pancakes with syrup, even though my pancakes are not your beautiful pancakes. I've never actually seen anyone hit with a frying pan or forced to leave the table for not liking pancakes, strangely enough, anecdotal reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Though I have seen some diners make protest over the buttering of innocent flapjacks.
Oh, fandom. Now you're making me hungry. Thanks a lot.
cofax7 talks about
why John Winchester is a decent, flawed human being, and I couldn't agree more.
the_shoshanna has a very interesting post re
sexuality and slash fandom, which has terrific fan-historical context.
Spider Bites On All Your Lovers by
untrue_accounts - het, Dean/Crossroads Demon. Creepy outsider (demon) POV character study of what makes Dean tick, full of raunchy Dean sexxin'.
Blood and Bone by
mona1347 - Sam/Dean. Captures the way they are so wrapped up in each other, the intensity of need and want, and how they've always belonged to each other. Beautifully vivid use of language.
These Eyes and
And We'll Ride Into the Sunset by
mickeym - Sam/Dean. Two futurefics that pack a sad, bittersweet punch.
And On The Seventh Day by
__tiana__ - Sam/Dean, gorgeous coda to Heart.
Ten Strangers by
mandysbitch - Sam/OFC, Sam/Dean. Not a typical Sam/Dean story, if there even is such a thing, really; there are many OCs (see title), and this story features Sam alone on the road, plus a slightly disturbing angle to the Sam/Dean.
any courage is a fear by
musesfool - gen. Another gorgeous coda to Heart. Dean can't make it all right, but that doesn't mean he won't try, in his own way.
Various things written for me recently by various awesome people:
I snagged
sevenfists in the Sweet Charity auction just so she would write me more Dean/Mal. What's that you say? You know I'm not into crossovers? Yes, well. See, she wrote
Weight and Motion a while back, and I fell in love with it, and with Dean/Mal. And so I was jonesing for my fix, but it was looking like the only way to get her to cough up more Dean/Mal was to BID FOR IT, and lo, she has delivered!
Core and Rind - 3500 words of Dean/Mal goodness.
cofax7 wrote me a beautiful but sad series of gen snippets, based on my prompt -
Five times Dean lied to John.
mikhale wrote me a little Sam/Dean story,
Straight line to forgiveness.
mcee wrote a wee snippet based around how Sam and Dean spend their last five dollars. That snippet and seven others based on prompts (Sam/Dean included, if I remember correctly) can be found
And in conclusion: Monday. Full moon. Pretty Dean icon.