Yes, so. If you were looking for eloquent commentary, best look elsewhere. This won't be it. There will instead be capslock abuse and a lot of !!! and ! -- that sort of thing. *g*
I'll start with Vorenus and Antony, because where else would I start?! Everything about the downward spiral here was perfection. From the drinking together and bashing philosophy, to the practicing in front of the orgy buddies, to his admonition to Vorenus not to follow him into death, to him dying in Vorenus's arms. OH MY GOD. Killa! Melina!! WERE YOU WATCHING?! :D
Vorenus dressing Antony, and then placing him on the throne. !
And then Vorenus's confrontation with Cleopatra, which was also pitch-perfect, and full of contempt. *LOVE* Of course he would take Caesarion, for Pullo's sake.
"Is he a good man?"
"Define good."
Octavian being the first asp to strike Cleopatra, and then driving her to the real one. Yeah. *g*
"What did she say?"
"She said I had a rotten soul."
PULLO AND VORENUS. The messages about their children. THE PICTURE OF NIOBE. PULLO'S SMILE. Pullo maneuvering his way into looking for Vorenus! The reunion! An understanding about what's going to happen, without even much discussion! Little smiles! COUNTING COUP. FIGHTING SIDE BY SIDE. THE FOREHEAD TOUCH. "You big girl!" The begging Pullo to take him home. The way he touched his face. One month in the wagon, on the way home. Hanging on, just to see his children.
Lyde's tears, falling in the light. Pullo and Vorenus, silently holding hands, saying goodbye.
*starts to cry*
Um, I'm sure other stuff happened, but. When the children came into the room, I lost it, and when Vorenus, dammit, I knew they were going to break my heart, and it didn't help me prepare at all. *cries more*
*sigh* Okay. Atia was in fine form when she smacked down Livia, wasn't she? I actually was crying too hard to see that the first time around, so thank you, TiVo. Octavian looked 100% the smug bastard, too.
Oh, Pullo and Octavian. Octavian's sincere sorrow for Vorenus.
And Pullo, with Caesarion, the last scene. SO PERFECT.