One other thing that has made me happy lately is (finally!) some new episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Even if they are likely to rip my heart out and stomp on it. And then it will all be over. I am looking forward to going back and watching episodes over again too. I had fun watching previous seasons over with Romandave while he was catching up, because there are so many things that come across in different ways when you know things that get revealed later. I think the biggest thing I want explained though is Starbuck, but that's mostly because she's one of my fangirl obsessions. I have decided that I don't care if she is the angel of death or the harbinger of the apocalypse, she is still a rock star. It occurred to me that Starbuck goes well with Pink, and vid makers on YouTube didn't disappoint me, here are two of my favs:
So What
Cuz I Can
After the first two episodes of the season being one bad thing after another, I figured there had to be some kind of fight back coming. As soon as they grabbed Sam, I turned to Dave and was like, okay that isn't going to make Starbuck happy. Sure he's a cylon, but I think she'd get pissed off at anyone else (other than her) beating up on him. Then when they grabbed Helo, Athena and Hera, he pointed out that they are more people they don't want to mess with. Then they grabbed Apollo, and I said: oh, now Starbuck is *really* going to frak some people up. Enter the human wrecking-ball. No disappointment there. Also, what were they thinking putting only a couple guards on Adama and Tigh to escort them down there? Fools.
This did end up concentrating a good number of high-level *named* PCs from the show in the main area of the rebellion, which meant it was not likely to go down well for those participating in the mutiny (being the bunch of un-named red shirts that they were.) Really, it only went as well as it did because of Gaeta. His betrayal makes me pretty sad. I still don't know what he really wants out of this, since he was unwilling to kill anyone, even Tigh. I can't imagine he actually thinks he wants Zarek in charge? I just want to shake him! Maybe Hoshi can still talk some sense into him. Poor Hoshi! /facepalm
The goodbye kiss between Roslin and Adama, so sweet. What made that moment gold though was watching the expressions on everyone else's faces. Apollo and Starbuck had that uncomfortable look kids get when their parents are making out, and Tigh just looked awkward. I can't believe the cliffhanger those bastards left this episode on! That was evil! I have a feeling that next episode is going to go back to bad stuff though. I want to think that either Adama or Tigh will be able to make an amazing shot and shot the grenade back through the opening in the door. (Silly I know. lol) Dave thinks that Tigh is going to throw himself on the grenade to save Adama, and dammit, I fear he has probably nailed that guess. =( I admit that I'm steeling myself just in case the series ends up with a bit of a Hamlet ending. I'm a little surprised Roslin is still hanging in there, it didn't look good for Adama in the previews for next week, and if Dave is right... I dunno, I think the season started out with the loss of Dee just to make it pretty obvious that nobody was safe. o_O I'm just wondering who will make it out of all of this now.