Feb 04, 2009 12:30
Romandave and I had dinner with MR on Friday night to hear some of his new ideas for future projects for Running Gun, before we all headed over to Shoggoth1's so Romandave could do some recording. Not going to say anything about the new stuff yet, since I don't know what I'm allowed to say, but there is some potential coolness. heh I do feel somewhat sorry for some of the other people at the diner who may have overheard parts of the conversation since they probably ended up very confused. =P What else is new, right? I'm still a little sad that the next episode (14) of Spriggs will be the last one. I'm going to miss the characters anyway. Episode 13 "All Hail the Murphy" is posted up at YouTube now, but I don't know when 14 will be out. Hopefully they'll leave at least one of the chicken ad-libs in. I'm usually pretty good about keeping silent while the actual recording is happening and then laughing after. I was having a bit of a hard time this last one though because MR kept *looking* at me, so I'd put my hand over my mouth, and then he'd point at me evil-monkey-style, and I'd start to lose it, then *he'd* start to lose it, and I'd just be gone. Probably a good thing Romandave had his back to us. I think we managed to hold out until Romandave was actually done ad-libbing, but it was close. This was from a while ago, but this was one of his longer making-stuff-up-on-the-fly moments set to some out-takes from the filming to make a short for in-between episodes:
Also, a bit sad to see that Nyhm just announced that due to some RL issues he wouldn't be able to play WoW anymore and he's not sure if he's going to continue producing machinima. This is a bummer to me since I've been amused by his WoW videos and songs for a while now. At least he got one more out recently, and it was one for Priests (Holy) which I've been waiting for him to do. lol Priests need love too.
Still, as long as Spiffworld keeps making WoW machinima vids to Jonathan Coulton songs, I'll be happy. Latest there is for "Shop Vac":