I AM SPARTACUS (and so am I!)

Jul 21, 2008 01:08

  • On The Dark Knight

    What hasn't been said about this film or -- more importantly -- Heath Ledger's Joker? Not much, and I'm far too lazy to figure it out. My two cents in a nutshell:

    • They couldn't have chosen a better Commissioner Gordon because I loved every scene he was in. Really. Everything would've been fantastic if they ditched some of that cheesy speech he gave at the end, but I understand that it was a necessary evil.
    • Maggie Gyllenhaal was actually boring for once.

    • Aaron Eckhart has me revising my opinion of him in a good way. I'm getting over the double chin. Also, can anyone say "I AM SPARTACUS?"

    • Yay Michael Caine! The man (sir!) automatically nudges every film he's been in forward a few points. Morgan Freeman's a bit like that, too, but...Michael Caine!

    • Christian Bale should move his mouth more when he Batman-talks, because people are now parroting his low, gravelly, in-dire-need-of-Strepsils Batman voice everywhere. D:

    • Was there any particular reason they kept covering up Barbara's face? Who cares about her brother, anyway?

    • What the hell was Cillian Murphy's deal in this film? I was, ah, unable catch on to what he was doing at the beginning of the film, possibly because visibility and coherence are automatically cut in half by the fangirl haze when I see him.

    • So, if they make a sequel, which villain will they use next? Unless they bring him back from the dead, Two Face is out. Unless they bring Heath Ledger back, so's the Joker (and honestly, anyone who puts on the makeup after him will pale in comparison). I'd love to see how they'd treat the Penguin, but he's a bit too campy for the atmosphere they've set up for this Batman. Catwoman? As long as it's not Halle Berry (they reaaaaally shouldn't have made that movie), fine. Riddler? Mr. Freeze? Poison Ivy? All defaced by previous film incarnations. I'd love for them to use a villain that hasn't already been irreversibly destroyed by celluloid, if possible.

    • Was there something after the credits? Didn't stay to find out.

    And there you have it. Just shut up and pretend it's a nutshell for a supersized, gluttonous squirrel that is incubating squirrel spawn inside its cavernous belly. I'd also like to mention that they were very brilliant they were about marketing this film -- not that they needed much help getting people interested even without Heath Ledger's legendary Joker (this is where we play Only The Good Die Young and wear our melancholies), but they were awfully cute and creative about it, especially with that convention scavenger hunt thing they did with Jokerized fans. I'd love to get my hands on one of those Gotham Times tabloids they were handing out.

    Or a poster would be fine, because honestly, those posters are fantastic! I get all giddy just looking them. The one I like the best is the "Why So Serious" version on the wall, and then the white one with Heath Ledger all faded out. The ones with Batman standing before the burning building or standing in his penthouse are pretty good, but they could work for any old Batman film. The "Why So Serious" posters sort of chill and intrigue at the same time (specifically, the bleached one with Heath Ledger in it. That's just freaky.).

    Also, I wish that their people could come over to the Philippines and teach us how to make trailers that don't actually give everything away (why why why do we do that??? Is it because the producers think that people won't go if they don't know exactly how everything turns out?).

  • On The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    All right, I'm willing to let Brad Pitt win me over with The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, because a) I read about that story before (was it in The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana?) and I'm very very excite about it, b) Cate Blanchett makes him look good (hallo, Babel anyone?), and c) they used Saint-Saens's Aquarium for the trailer and music like that always wins me over.

  • On Watchmen

    Accck, that is not how you should make a trailer. Or maybe I'm just thrown off by the special effects overdose. But I did like that line about being begged to save the world. That was pretty mean. :D

  • On that new Star Wars movie

    So since Hayden Christensen will not be in any way involved, does that mean I'll finally be able to take Anakin seriously?
    Also, I heard that Lucas is considering the creation of a new Star Wars TV series. Someone should shoot Lucas now. Before he does any more damage to his reputation. Or writes any more crappy alien scripts. Please.

  • On 4.02 The Fires of Pompeii

    I caved. That means eleven episodes are all I have to sustain me until the next season begins.
    But I love Donna, especially when she bellows at the Doctor (she's awfully good at that, isn't she?). Nearly broke my heart when she was trying to save the people of Pompeii. I'm really hoping that she and the Doctor just stay mates, but you know when people on teevee insist that they're just going to stay friends, things won't stop there. Of course, the reminders about Rose returning will always cheer me up.

    • I really don't see how a circuit board made out of marble can function.

    • The Doctor + water gun = Scourge of the Pyrovile civilization? Love it. Absolutely. I'm ranking it up there with the 3D glasses.
    • And much lollery at the family's new and improved household gods.
  • On Remakes

    Among other things (being Sherlock Holmes, The Karate Kid, and Rosemary's Baby), I found out that they are planning to remake My Fair Lady. Which boggles the mind. Do they realize that they're practically throwing money away to be kicked in the throat? Keira Knightley is apparently being considered for the role, but while I do like her, I just know she's going to be vilified for a) not being Audrey Hepburn b) being Keira Knightly (this is inescapable, I'm afraid) and c) not being able to sing (though Audrey Hepburn's singing parts were also dubbed over, so no one really has the right to judge on that).
    On the other hand, it's possible that this time, they'll pay more attention to Pygmalion. Maybe Eliza will end up with the slightly stalker-ish Freddy, instead of old Mr. Higgins (whom I liked but he's so old D: ).
    Also, this will probably be much shorter. Which is a definite plus. Theater seats are only comfortable for so long.

  • On Theater 11

    <3 <3 <3 I love those people. It's amazing how seamless everything has been. It just seems natural that we should spend seven hours together and not run out of anything to laugh about. Also, I had no idea that sleazeballs like he-I-now-dub-Skeezeball really existed in real life. If he drops out, we'll lose our best potential lead hero guy, but honestly, I have a feeling that we might be better off without him.

.geekage, tv - doctor who, uni - theater 11, film - benjamin button, film - comic book movies, film - batman

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