HAPPY BIRTHDAY, nos4a2no9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 07, 2009 07:39

You are one of the kindest and best people I know. Which I have said before, but it certainly bears repeating. I hope you get unicorns and rainbows and large amounts of cash for your birthday, and have the wonderful new year that you deserve.

And now here's some birthday angst for you, baybee. Because I care.

All recs are Torchwood, all are Jack/Ianto. As if you had to ask. Consider most of them to be rated Adult, to be on the safe side. Because sometimes when two men really love each other-or even if they don't-they might do special things together. Like hunting Weevils, say.

Bonding over sad childhoods angst
Motherless Boys

Anticlimactic breakup angst
Endings, Beginnings

Murderous angst
A Long Time Ago

And, of course, one of the most beautiful things about Jack/Ianto is that built-in angst of just when exactly did they start doing it like big gay rabbits. Because, you know, if you have seen CYBERWOMAN (not that it existed in certain people's own personal canon), it leads us to one of my personal favorite sub-genres of TW slash: Fucking for Lisa.

Moving In
Week One
Pavlov's Bell
The Suit

Happiest of (angst-free) birthdays to you, lovely Nos!!!!

torchwood, fic recs

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