May 15, 2007 17:48
It is official. I shall be attending Eastern Michigan University in the fall. I am quite happy that all my credits from HFCC transferred. Also, as a transfer student I am available for a number of scholarships (which the financial aid office lady said I would likely get because my grade point average is a 3.9). I also applied for a scholarship through my work for 2,500. Also, because I was awarded the same scholarship last year, I am eligable for another 2,500 on top of that. However, that is only given out to the top 40 people nationwide so we'll have to see about that one.
Good news is I calculated out an estimate for the cost of the semester (tuition wise only) and it is only around $3,500 or so. Sadly, that is about as much as I spent TOTAL at HFCC for two semesters (including books). Oh well.
That scholarship is the only reason I'm staying at Taco Hell.