
Jun 01, 2006 20:30

Something has changed.

He's tousled, a little grubby, but then he often is these days. He looks to be in no good mood, but that, as we should all know by now, is nothing unusual. But this mood has little of boyish sulks about it; his expression is less of irritation than of settled, banked anger. The laughter in his eyes has darkened into something closer to contempt.

He regards the mansion, the immaculate grounds, with barely veiled mistrust. Even his voice has altered subtly: cooler, more measured, tense and controlled as his stance. "What in hell's name is this?"

typist note: Okay, so. Mordred had a run-in with a batshit crazy god, and got his mind messed with as a consequence. Specifically, he's got back most of the memory he was missing -- more or less up through here -- and is, instead, missing all of his sojourn in DF. This will probably resolve itself over the next couple of weeks, but in the meantime, um... I'm sorry. XD Anti-OTPs will continue as planned with normal!Mordred unless someone decides they like him better this way.

clarissant, lancelot, wtf, alice, guinevere, justitia, o'brien, cecy, sir percy, armand, agravaine, mordred, king arthur, gawain, gaheris, bedivere, zara, draco, katharine

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