Apr 06, 2005 21:06
Greetings. My name is Marcus Brutus...I am a senator in the Roman Republic. That is, I was, before my suicide. I'm uncertain as to what that makes me now. The coolest, according to my typist, but she is young and female and thus cannot be trusted. But I digress. At any rate, I participated in the assassination of Julius Caesar to save Rome from being ruled by a dictator. Thanks to the vile-tongued Marc Antony, though, the citizens of Rome turned against my friend Cassius and me...suppose that is the thanks one recieves for loving one's country. After a terribly botched battle against Marc Antony and Octavius, Cassius and I both killed ourselves.
My typist, Maja, has expressed a desire for me to tell you more about myself...very well, I shall try. I was married to a lovely, wonderful woman named Portia, daughter of a nobleman. Since she took her life as well, I am not certain if we are still considered married. Maja hopes not, as she is hopelessly in love with me. Or so she says. As I said, I trust her not.
Maja also wishes for me to inform you that I am the hero of a play called Julius Caesar by an Englishman by the name of William Shakespeare. I was not previously aware that literary works had been written with myself as the subject matter...however, the idea does appeal to me. What I am curious about is...why, if the play centers around me and the assassination of Caesar is in the third act, is the play not titled Brutus?
So with these words I seek welcome in your fine establishment. I hope to meet and possibly befriend many of you.
phileas fogg,
marcus brutus