*smiles prettily*

May 24, 2005 01:19

Bonjour, everyone! My typist, the dear mam'selle that she is, would like me to inform you that my name is Favourite (but really Genevieve, though I don't go by it), and I'm from a book called Les Miserables. I was once friends with a delightful young girl named Fantine, I don't suppose she's here? It's been ages since I've seen her last. If anyone's wondering why I'm called Favourite, it's because I spent time in England once. *flirtatious smile* A pleasure to meet you all, I'm sure.

Typist: She forgot to mention that Favourite's a nickname the Englishmen gave her. Silly girl.

alice, y.t., bossuet, ilse burnley, montparnasse, armand, hel, favourite, introduction, wes janson, zeus, lord henry, fantine, cosette, bamatabois, courfeyrac

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