May 22, 2005 19:33
Welcome to DF NEWS, I am (as I'm sure you're well aware) Media, your beautiful and clever anchor and reporter. I apologize for this update being late, but my typist had a very tough and hectic time lately due to school ending. This also means I have no clue what happened over the week, so I'm going off what others have told me. Wingin' it. So this update is going to be very brief and might not include some things. *smile*
I would like to congratulate Sherlock Holmes and his man-wife Watson and Jareth and his fangy significant other Amadeo, as both pairs have tied the knot recently. I'm sure they'll be incredibly happy together. Or not, whatever.
I am sure tons of angst and relationship problems have happened lately, because they always do. It's inevitable, as one of the members of this community likes to say. Most likely the pairings have fought, angsted in the corner for a while and then made up again. Cue the snogging.
I have been told the DF Mansion had an odd weather problem, as it started raining glitter for a bit. This just goes to show you, folks, that anything can happen in DF. And probably will happen, causing a lot of making-outage
That's all for this last week's update, ta!