May 11, 2005 18:42
Hello, bonjour, guten tag, привет, ciao, het hallo, oi, hei, konnichiwa, 喂., czesc, jambo, hola!
Most know me as The Mad Hatter, but I suppose since you all have names, I must as well (aren't we all the same?). For now, I'll go by Edward Crittenden. He however, does not go by me, as I've yet to see him on the streets passing by me to give a short nod and "good day!", but that must only be because I haven't been on the streets since 5 o'clock years ago. A shame, but how many years has it been? Tell me, tell me!
It would only be fair, and fairness is something to be achieved in life-- exactly though, what is life (life is what as well)? I can't see it, can't feel it, drink it, taste it, pet it, stuff it into my hat, blow my nose on it. But can any of us, that is the question. Questions are made for answering. *clears throat* As I was saying, it would only be fair for me to introduce myself to the cesspool lot of you and you lot in return to me again. So, I suppose I shall, though it's not done willingly, you can assure (closely related word, assume: makes an ass out of you and me, remember that) yourselves of that.
I am no longer young, but shall never become old. This tea however, that I'm forced to drink for the rest of eternity (what lies in eternity?) will most definitely become old, as it does. Before my tea has been spiked with opium, known as the seed of poets, which makes listening to people who do not think before they speak, but speak before they think more bearable. And, bears are fortunately an animal that I haven't much to do with, yet. Anything is possible, of course! Never-the-less, children, I like weaving stories in metaphorical and literal twisted together sorts of finger webs, like that cat's cradle have you heard of? That is a brilliant thing if I have ever seen one. Observe, lately, how I cannot find the time to properly introduce myself; I can however, introduce myself to each of you seperately when you make the first move, as a proper exchange is in due. Proper, though, is something I am not! And something taht shouldn't be followed upon often (stalking is strange). Alas!
Once a charming young man (none more charming!) by the name of Lewis Carroll wrote about me in memoirs entitled "Alice in Wonderland". A most astounding read, that I don't have time for to read always even though there are fascinating things to be read at times, times that never change due to unfortunate blunders of mine. Fortune's fools, we all are! I do remember Alice though, queer girl she was, queerer girl I never met. Not entirely having to do with the fact that I haven't met many girls, or many queer ones, but there seem to be a grand many strange queer boys. She made no sense, but when one thinks about it, what is sensical after all?
Even though I am not going; arrivederci, tot ziens, auf wiedersehen, до свидания, au revoir, adiós, adeus, 再见, sayonara, goodbye!
jean prouvaire,
lord henry,
little jammes,
the mad hatter,
maurice hall