Belize has been worrying - not that it's anything different for him. Norman Arriaga, Belize to his friends, and to everyone he's met so far at the Mansion, has been having strange dreams - dreams full of hope and angels, full of information about the cure for the plague which hit his best friend, full of forgiveness for the monster that Roy Cohn is.
And these dreams, which are much too lifelike, seem to be strangely applicable to his current situation: there is a boy Belize likes probably more than he should, a monster who disappointed him, and a friend who counts on him - despite cultural differences too wide to even be explored.
Through all this, Belize is lurking to try to speak to a certain blond-haired wolfboy- they haven't settled their differences yet, and this is one boy Belize can't bear to be angry with, not after all they've been through.
So here's a nurse, then, dressed as androgynously as usual, sitting in the common room, and pretending to be absorbed in a romance novel whose author is of no significance.
Here's an open post, feel free to distract Belize from his brooding, yes, even you, Sandor. See
DFloggage for details on the events referenced above.
And yes, a change in pronouns due to a recent re-reading of AiA in which I noticed that Kushner used the he pronoun to refer to Belize, and a canon update, all in one. Aren't we efficient? ^__^