"I know other people's dreams are boring, but": a continuing series

Apr 12, 2017 07:15

I dreamed that a playwright of renown - Peter Shaffer or a close analogue - was writing a serial drama about Franz Liszt effectively in real time, every ten years producing a new play covering the next decade of the composer's life. To research this, he spent most of his time listening to the works he'd first heard, including a tuba solo.

I did not believe that Franz Liszt ever wrote a tuba solo, so I woke disappointed, for I had dreamed it and it was beautiful. But of course I checked, because hullo internet - and I see that he did write at least two tuba quartets, an Ave Maria and a Pater Noster. This rather delights me, actually.

EtA: and then of course there's this...
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