Are we here, on the other side of everywhere?

Apr 09, 2017 19:20

In this time of strange shifts in polarity (still crossposting to LiveJournal, but apparently the party's over here in Dreamwidth now; I will diminish, and go into the 'Width, and remain Desperance), I think it's worth mentioning that my Patreon project has also had a thorough makeover. I am still writing and posting Crater School stories (English boarding-school girls! on Mars!), but I'm just adding the Books of Outremer (Crusader States fantasy! with djinn and 'ifrit and all sorts!) chapter by chapter as I clean up a scan of twenty-year-old texts. There will be other stuff appearing also, as and when. It's all fun, and you can subscribe for three dollars a month, if you'd like to...
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