Age of Sail Fandom Despatches # 362

Jul 07, 2011 22:01


Or Any Other by takadainmate - Aubrey-Maturin, G, Jack/Stephen.
A Little Bit by alltoseek - Aubrey-Maturin, G, Jack, Stephen.

The Sea Will Always Win by draugdur - Hornblower, G, Barbara Wellesley, Horatio Hornblower, William Bush.
They Have to Take You In by eglantine_br - Hornblower, G, Hornblower/Kennedy.

Hornblower and the Meridian, Chapter 6 by legume_shadow - Hornblower/PotC, PG-13, Hornblower, Bush, Archie.

Hornblower Remix Round Up


Posession by sarlania, remix of Monster latin_cat, NC-17, Hornblower/Bush.
Upon a Midnight Clear by latin_cat, remix of Snow by gayalondiel, G, Hornblower/Kennedy, Bush.
The Tithe to Hell by anteros_lmc, remix of The Butterflies Wake, The Ritual, Fortress Dreams, The Evil That Men Do, To Spain, A New Way to Break by eglantine_br, gen, PG 13.
Three Things Remain by nodbear, remix of Practice by mylodon, PG 13.
Role Models by ioanite, remix of Cenotaph by idler_1814, gen, PG.
They have to take you in by eglantine_br, remix of Youth of Delight, Come Hither Chapter 4 by lemurling, gen, G.
When the Battle’s Lost and Won by gayalondiel, remix of So Foul and Fair a Day by anteros_lmc, gen, PG.
A World Exclusive by mylodon, remix of Times of Change by sarlania, PG 12.
Consequences by jestana, remix of Aftermath by esmerelda_t, Hornblower/Kennedy, G.
Play On by esmerelda_t, remix of The Food of Love by nodbear, Hornblower/Kennedy, G.
Remix for Jestana by katriona_s, Bush, Cotard.
Different Blue Eyes by katriona_s, remix of Too Much by jestana and Once Burned by idler_1814, Hornblower, Bush, Kenndy.
Concatenation by idler_1814, remix of C is for Cat by ioanite, gen, G.
Look Up to Ganymede by lemurling, remix of Greek Myths and the vid No More by jestana, Hornblower / Kennedy, PG.

Princes Among Princesses by orlidepp - PotC/various Disney, PG, Jack/Will.

It takes an Ocean not to break by heartstrike - PotC, PG-13, Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth.
The Man of Feeling by took_skye - PotC, PG-13, Mercer/OFC.
The Hunter by sweetcarolanne - PotC, PG-13, The Kraken, Davy Jones, Calypso, Jack Sparrow (sort of) and some unfortunate Turkish fishermen.
Crossing the Bar, Part 25 by honorat - PotC, PG-13, Norrington, the crew of the Dauntless, Jack Sparrow, and the crew of the Black Pearl.
Pirates' Paradise by orlidepp - PotC, PG, Jack/Will.
The Sun, The Water and All the Bloody Parrots by romankate - PotC, R, Jack Sparrow/James Norrington.
A Pirates Life For Me, Part 2 by n006tard4life - PotC, PG-13, Norrington/Elizabeth.

Son et Lumière

Hornblower: Icons by legume_shadow .
Hornblower fanart: Pellew at his Desk by marwanthefirst .

Pride and Prejudice (1995): Elizabeth/Darcy mood theme by kohler .

PotC fanart: Joining the winning side by lolitalockhart , G, Governor Swann and Capitaine Chevalle.
PotC fanart: Mad World by be_a_clover , James Norrington.

Of historical interest

Miscellany and meta

feroxargentea posts about a possible sequel of "Master and Commander".
joyful_molly posts spoilers for series 3 of "Garrow's Law".
aletheiafelinea has updated various PotC resources on the_hold .
vespican posts a Book Review: BEAT TO QUARTERS/THE HAPPY RETURN.
anteros_lmc posts about the shootings for series 3 of Garrow's Law: Sir Arthur Hill, at home.
joyful_molly posts nutty Nelsoniana.

austen_blog : REVIEW: Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg.
austen_blog : The Janeite Times No. 6.
austen_blog : July/August 2011 Issue of Jane Austen’s Regency World Published.

Communities and challenges

comeholdmyheart : Challenge 29: Letters.
comeholdmyheart : Challenge 29: Winners and Banners.
potc_drabbles : this week's challenge: Judgment.
following_sea : Happy Birthday, Horatio Hornblower!
blackpearlsails : this week's challenge: Disgust.
potc_votes is about to closes nominations: nominate here.

Got a link for the next issue?

Please comment and let us know.

garrow's law, horatio hornblower, pride and prejudice, aubrey-maturin, pirates of the caribbean

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