Age of Sail Fandom Despatches # 240

Feb 14, 2009 22:34


Post Captain (Abridged): 1/? by drama_wench - Aubrey-Maturin, PG-13, various book characters.

Footsteps in the Snow by sarlania - Hornblower, G, Hornblower, Bush.
Behavioural Problems by esmerelda_t - Hornblower, G, Horatio/Archie.
The Model of an Officer by lady_branwyn - Hornblower, G, OC, Bush.

And Spite Of This Cold Time by wildestranger - Temeraire, PG-13, Laurence/Tharkay/Granby.

A Midnight Meeeting by cezannescrayons - 1776, PG, Adams/Hall.

Misheard by joyful_molly - PotC, PG, Norrington/Gillette and a surprise.
An Execrable Business, 30 - 36 by geekmama - PotC, PG-13, Jack, OC's, Anamaria, Bootstrap Bill, Barbossa.
A Moment With You, 1/? by namu_chewy - PotC, PG, Norrington/Gillette.
A Moment With You, 2/? by namu_chewy - PotC, PG, Norrington/Gillette, Groves.
The Apple of their Eye by danglingdingle - PotC, G, Jack/Will, Liam (Will Jr.).
Collusion by florencia7 - PotC, PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth.
Blue Satin / Red Curls by lolitalockhart - PotC, NC-17, Chevalle's father/mother, Teague's father/mother.
Double Edged Sword by djarum99 - PotC, R, Jack/Elizabeth.
In the Garret of the Rusty Goat by geekmama - PotC, R, Jack/Elizabeth.
Destiny's Fight, 19/? by immortal_jedi - PotC, PG-13, ensemble cast, Will/Ellizabeth, Davy/Calypso.
Ad Infinitum, 7/? by mamazano and danglingdingle - PotC, PG-13, Jack, Gibbs, Will, AnaMaria, Elizabeth.
Mothers of the Caribbean: Barbossa's Mum by stealmybike - PotC, G, Barbossa's mum, Barbossa.
Pirate Secrets by florencia7 - PotC, G, Jack/Elizabeth, Blaxton.
Neither Flotsam nor Jetsam by voleuse - PotC, NC-17, Jack/Giselle, Jack/Anamaria, Jack/Scarlett, Estrella.
One Last Time by danglingdingle - PotC, PG, Jack, Will, Elizabeth.
One Last Time, Take Two by danglingdingle - PotC, G, Jack, Will, Elizabeth.
The Wailing Walls: A Ghost Story by mamazano - PotC, NC-17, Jack/Will.
In the Light of Day by compassrose7577 - PotC, R, Jack, OFC, crew of the Black Pearl, others.
Voyage of the Dawn Chaser, 3/? by peladonww - PotC, PG, Jack, OCs, Barbossa, BP crew, Gibbs , Groves, navy.

Son et Lumière

Icons: Sense and Sensibility (1995/2007), Pride and Prejudice (2005), Northanger Abbey by evenstargirl.
Icons: Pride and Prejudice (2005) by edelyn_22.
Icons: Pride and Prejudice (2005) by aaania80.
Icons: Northanger Abbey and North and South by elvenjaneite.
Icons: North and South by olde_fashioned.
Icons: North and South by digne.
Icons: North and South by kf_creations.

Aubreyad fanart: Aubrey/Maturin by glownaif.
Icons: Master and Commander by wolfie_sara.
Aubreyad fanvid: Say what you want by le_russe_satan, Aubrey/Maturin.

Temeraire fanart: Nice Day by dracontia.

PotC fanart: A Fish Tale by be_a_clover, R, Jack.
PotC fanart: Boom de yada! by lolitalockhart, G, Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, Teague, Norrington, Beckett, Governor Swann, Pintel, Ragetti, Jack the monkey.
PotC fanart: Various artworks by ladymouse2.
PotC fanart: Valentine Sparrington by siriuss3.

Of historical interest

sarlania asks about epaulettes here.

Miscellany and meta

Australian Relief/Bid: pir8fancier will write for donations. Read about it here.
Five Reasons To Just Let Jack Sparrow Have The Last Word by penknife.
fabu on "Shipping and One True Pairings" here.
thehappyreturn starts the "Five Things" meme for the Hornblower fandom here.
lolitalockhart posts about Elizabeth's mother here.
lolitalockhart posts about the health of PotC characters here.

Communities and challenges

mandc_read: Chapter 7 of Desolation Island this weekend here.
perfect_duet: The Aubreyad Kink-Meme here.
hms_surprise: c_jay_ie post about Maturin's Dublin here.
blackpearlsails issues this week's drabble challenge: French.
potc100 issues this week's drabble challenge: Fathers.

awildstrawberry discusses Jane Austen's "Emma" here.
austen_blog: Pride and Prejudice comics here.
austen_blog: A new Dutch Austen-website here.
austen_blog: Getting local with Jane here.
austen_blog: More on Austen movie-adaptations here.
austen_blog: Recycled costumes here.
austen_blog: Discussion of Sense and Sensibility here.
austen_blog: Persuasions No. 5 available on here.
austen_blog: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie news here.

Got a link for the next issue?

Please comment and let us know.

sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, temeraire, aubrey-maturin, north and south, emma, 1776, horatio hornblower, northanger abbey, pirates of the caribbean

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