From I found one of PotC writers, Mr. Terry, his email. I decided to e-mail him about something that has confused me for quite a while; characters' eye colours.
Dear Terry,
I've heard mention of Jack Sparrow's little sore thing being syphilius. I wonder if the other characters have diseases? Such as Barbossa's and Pintel's yellow eye-white, Chevalle's redness around his pupils and Lord Beckett's general unhealthy appearance. Perhaps tuberculosis? Is there any reason why their eyes are a different colour, while, say, Jack or Ragetti don't have that? I've been dying to know, please anwser!
Love, the Netherlands.
And to my suprise, he e-mailed me back yesterday!
The likeliest cause of the yellow eyes is jaundice, a close cousin to scurvy; or, in the case of Barbossa and Chevalle, both ladies men, hepetitis.
Beckett suffers from a sordid soul that manifests itself in a general pallor.
I think that was interesting, and wanted to post it. X-posed to some other communities.