Please, provide the link to at least FOUR unstamped applications you have voted on!
(You may skip this if they has received a stamp already)
click Do you have preference on gender (female/male)? I have no preference, although I'm leaning more in favor of a female vote.
1.Name: David
2.Any nicknames? Dave; Animadversion (try saying that ten times fast)
3.Gender: Male
4.Date of birth: August 5, 1990
- Internet.
- Anime/manga.
- Gaming.
- Listening to music.
- Chatting.
- Being alone.
- Animals =3.
- Pizza. Who doesn't like pizza?
- Being organized.
- Dethroning arrogant people.
- Being disturbed.
- Having to respond to people when I don't feel like it.
- Arrogant people.
- Country music.
- Being embarassed.
- Losing.
- Be ignored, which conflicts with my affinity for being alone.
7.Three positive points about you:
- Critical of people. Not in a Meru sort of way - a more positive way. XD
- Reliable.
- Strong sense of justice.
8.Three negative points about you:
- Seemingly a cold person.
- Shy + becomes embarassed easily.
- Horrible social skills.
9.Biggest fear: Being left completely alone.
10.Goal in life: Well I don't really have a particular goal, but I intend to work in the Environment field.
11.Other(s) notable(s) trait(s)? My e-persona is a lot different than my real persona. I'm usually shy, quiet, yet secretly judgmental. Put a computer in front of me, and I'm not particularly afraid to speak my mind. From what people say, I'm also pretty arrogant sounding, despite the fact that I hate arrogant people...
Your favorite quote, and why:
"To be, or not to be. That is the question." -Hamlet.
As overdone as I'm sure it is, I think it sums up life pretty well. Life is full of choices.
(Give a short explanation)
12.Optimistic, Realistic or pessimistic? Realistic. There's no point in sugarcoating or darkening the truth. It doesn't accomplish anything. You may come off as rude, but hey, at least it's the plaintruth and not the truth in a false light.
13.Mature or Immature? Mature most of the time. Like everyone, I have my moments.
14.Brave or Safe? I'm more outgoing on the internet where nobody can touch me, so safe, obviously. XD
15.Selfish or Altruistic? Depends on my mood, really. I'm more selfish when I'm ticked off.
16.Violent or Peaceful? Peaceful. I'm not about to go punch some kid because he insulted me.
17.Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert. I believe I've explained why already.
18.Leader Or Follower? Follower. Why lead when someone else can do it for you?
19.Clean or Messy? I'm clean in an organized sense. You wouldn't think so by looking at my room, but in school and such I am.
20.Decisive or Indecisive? Indecisive. I don't like choices!
21.Color: Blue.
22.Food: Pizza.
23.Animal: Kitty cat.
24.How do you think your friends decribe you?
Probably quiet, boring, easily embarassed... basically how I described myself with some minor differences.
25.If you could live in any place of Earth, what would be?
Switzerland. I went there last summer and absolutely loved it.
26.You like books? What type of books you like?
Books are useless when you have the internet. Really! Go read a fanfic or RP or something. XD
27.You have some type of fanatism?
Not... really.
28.Do you think miracles exists?
I guess in a sense. There are times in life where the improbable has become probable.
29.OUCH! You bump into a stranger in the hall, and hit them really hard. What do you do?
Quietly apologize and move on. It was partly their fault...
30.OMGWTFBBQ! ALIEN ATTACK! What you will do?
Hide somewhere. Probably in a box or something!
31.Someone left a wallet on the ground. What do you do?
I'd return it. Stealing is a big no in my books.
32.What would you change about yourself, or your life?
well I'd get a better connection. Stupid satellite always dying. Makes it hard to watch SZS. >O
33.And about the World?
The US would share it's income with developing countries instead of being greedy.
34.Like to use the cellphone?
I had one for a short time, but I had it taken away because I went over my limit in texts and calls...
35.When you’re in a group, what's your part in the group dynamic?
Sit on the sidelines and watch, waiting for a role to be assigned.
36.Which four items would you want to have with you on a desert island? Why?
Working power, a fridge, a microwave, and a grocery store! *shot*
37.What do you think about love?
Love is something we all experience at some point. I'm not a big believer in love at first sight, though.
38.What left you in DESPAIR? D:
Realizing how little of a life I have. D:
39.Which character you think is most related with you? Why?
I feel there's a bit of Chiri and Meru in me, really. The organization and such seem to be Chiri-esque, while my obvious interet obsession is kind of like Meru's, although not anywhere near as severe. I guess in my way of thinking, I'm a little like Nozomu as well.
40.And which you think is the least related? Why?
I'm probably least like Kafuka. There is NO way I could ever be that optimistic. XD
41.Is there some pairing you like? Why do you think they match?
There isn't a particular pairing I can see yet. Nozomu x Kafuka is kind of neat, because they're completely opposite.
42.If you could hang out with some character from the series, who would be? Why?
ABIRU. Because she's awesome. And then there's Harumi, whom I share interests with (Other than the yaoi. She obviously likes Gundam SEED, which I like. XD). And I guess Nami, because I need the normal one to balance out the abnormal ones.
43.What you like in the anime/manga Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?
The humor and the art style. And I love the characters as well!
-Anything else?
Not particularly.
I never quite understood the point in this. The votes should be influenced by your personality, not your appearance! Ah well, here's the unappealing ol' me.