Please, provide the link to at least FOUR unstamped applications you have voted on!
(You may skip this if they has received a stamp already)
four Which regular character you was stamped?: Merumeru merumeru
1.Name: [classified info]
2.Any nicknames?Piyo will be fine
3.Gender: female with homosexual male tendencies (trans: straight :D)
4.Date of birth: May 22
5.Likes: internet, art, ninjas, art sites, randomness, chaos, peace, CRACK, lulz, blood, chibis, cute things, some anime, JunNozo, rpg's, sweets, potato chips, Kellogs Frosties, colorful things, sexy monochrome stuff, shiny/sparkly things, stars, bishounens, Samurai Spirits/Shodown, nice duckbutt hair, breathing, consciousness, life
6.Dislikes: boredom, eternal annihilation, THAT FUCKING WASTE OF OXYGEN OF A KINSMAN, stangers, injustice, feeling of anger, insomnia, being useless, sometimes being treated like a kid just because I look like one
7.Three positive points about you: patient, interesting (or so people say), wise (see former)
8.Three negative points about you: dark, sadistic, confusing
9.Biggest fear: eternal annihilation
10.Goal in life: to create an epic work of art and retire at age 28
11.Other(s) notable(s) trait(s)?IRL, I show my love by means of insults and death threats (and fortunately, my friends understand this). People say I'm a huge contradiction of personalities and beliefs. Sometimes I think I'm bipolar, but since I think I am, that means I'm really not. Also, I talk fast, and I look twelve, though this year's my last as a minor. SKREEM!!!
Blabbed to much again! I'm so sorry! m(>_<)m
(Give a short explanation)
12.Optimistic, Realistic or pessimistic? Realistic bordering on optimistic
13.Mature or Immature? immaturely mature, or the other way around
14.Brave or Safe? usually safe, but if I have to, I'll charge forward (ind the end, I cry, yet the ones I risked whatever I had for never even apologized. TT^TT)
15.Introvert or Extrovert? I'm paranoid around strangers, but in class if someone'll go near and talk to me, I open up, but not too much. I'm extroverted on the nets, but I regret it a few times.
16.Decisive or Indecisive? INDECISIVE
17. How is your relationship with your family?: I'm very close with my mom and my aunts, the rest can DIE for all I damn care >_>
18. Have brothers/sister?: Sister: I heard once that I have an older adopted one, but I'm still not sure. Brother:One younger and one older, but I'm plotting to not let him be that long D<
19. How is your relationship with them?: I get along fairly well with my younger brother. As for the older one, I have plenty of reasons to not love him. Most of my negative aspects, the reason why I can never be the sweet girl I once was and my used to be shattered self esteem were caused by- YES YOU GUESSED IT! Oh come on, living with someone so selfish and greedy for 17 years will really twist your mind.
20.If you don't have brothers, you want/wanted to have? I wish I HAD no brother.
21. Describe your family in some words: I won't divulge details, but my family...was really doomed to fail and break apart from the start.
22.Which Itoshiki brother is your favorite? Why? Teacher Despair. Oh, the lulz.
23. If you could chose one of the Itoshiki brothers to be YOUR brother, which would be? Teacher Despair or Doctor Death. At least I won't get bored.
-Anything else? I'm sorry I'm sorry ;_;
-Picture OR a description:4'11 with black hair. Even with eyebags and boobs people mistake me for a 12-year old.
And, can someone please tell me how to embed stamps in my profile (from Scrapbook)? Please? Thank you. <=)