if it's tuesday:

Mar 04, 2013 22:01

Here is an entry you haven't seen in about 3 mos. Yup I went back yesterday and got bombed with whispers and welcome backs...it was very nice until people started scolding me for leaving in the first place *chuckle*. Yeah, yeah, it's just a game, I know it, but the people are real and I have formed some friendships there. That said, the freaks are also back! It's like they were waiting for me; yup, gotta change my virtual perfume or something.

ANYway, my timing, as always...perfect! Patch 5.2 goes live today, so all you WoW'ers and WoW'ettes know what that means....long maintainence. We're old pros at this by now, right? Classes getting nerfed, gear getting nerfed, new hunter pets (how freakin' ugly are the new spirit beasts...porcupines, Blizz? Really?); and the bitching that will follow.


Thunder King Island here we come. I remember when the Isle of Quel'Danas was added in BC. Yeah, I've been playing this game way too long *chuckle*. I suppose technically I have been playing since Vanilla since I didn't get Burning Crusade till a couple weeks after I started.

One thing hasn't changed in all those years...I still love rogues. *Blows a kiss to her favorite, Clegmir.* And even though he quit just before WotLK was released, he's still on my friends list. Love you, Hero...always have, always will.

One of my favorite WoW vids:

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youtubes, if its tuesday, if it's tuesday

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