Today I got a video of Keeley scooting very slowly and not very far but she did it without being extremely ticked off. She also has started babbling and coming out with mama and baba and even at appropriate times to say it too. I think she really is at least starting to to understand what she says even though she has only been sorta saying and not for very long. Maybe because she is around so many adults and Aiden talks... though he won't say mama the little bugger...
It's been probably about a month since he last said mama. It's all about dada. Everything and everyone is dada. Not that he thinks they are dada but he says it to everyone and everything and all day I hear nothing but dada.... it's a nice change of pace to hear mama starting to be said again thanks to Keeley.
He used to say it all the time and then it became mama only when he was hurt or ticked off or something... now it's never mama... kinda depressing.... but I'm sure it's just a phase.
I haven't gotten my prozac prescription filled yet. We are still waiting on the stimulus payment and I can't take it til after my surgery anyways. The surgeon said it will dry my eyes out. So I called today to ask further questions like how long after do I have to wait? If I can't wait that long can I get a refund or put the surgery off until a later date?
I couldn't get answers because he was in surgery so the woman took my name and number and said she'd call back when he was out to give her answers. She never called back. I will have to call tomorrow again to see if I can remind them to get answers for me.
I have officially sold my first item in my baby store Not too surprised to see it was the vibrating star teether.
I was surprised that the customer had the same last name as my maiden name.
I also sold the baby bedding but that was due to ebay because someone found my closed listing.