Feb 11, 2007 23:58
My personality has always made me NEED to control every aspect of my life that I could possibly control. I've finally learned to let go some for Brandon, so he can do what he needs to with work and his future career and I not be a nervous wreck. Besides, he's his own person, and I have to trust that he respects me enough to always keep me first.
And so, Michael, Brandon's brother, who really, no matter how hard I tried, was never someone I could control, got his girlfriend pregnant. And OF COURSE, Linda's so excited, since she'll be a grandma and all. No matter if her son's unwed, or 18, or in Iraq, and this skanky girl is here, 18, probably going to have major problems with her parents, and never have a proper relationship with Michael's family. Is it selfish and naive to have thought that we would be the ones to first have a kid, to first make Linda a grandma, Ada a great grandma?
And what's more, I have to be the LAST to find out. At least a week after Brandon got the call from Ada. I had to find it out from Michael, through his myspace account. >:(
This isn't the proper way, and he's following his mother's footsteps. It's not at all attractive to have 3 kids by 3 different guys, and if Michael can at least mature enough to stay with Jamie, then perhaps, things will be looking better. But when I met Jamie on New Year's Eve, I didn't have much of an opinion of her. Perhaps she'll try to get to know us. I don't know.
And, I didn't think he'd be the first one of the siblings to have a kid, thus making us aunt and uncle to be. I don't feel I'm ready for a status change just yet. And I'm also afraid that they'll teach this kid that it's ok to swear and hit... to smoke and drink at any age... I want to protect the child, to get it away from the disfunction that it's unfornately being born into. God have mercy on this child.