May 22, 2008 15:29
A Northeastern student was murdered in her off campus apartment sometime Monday night, and not found until Tuesday morning. It was a full day before NU would officially acknowledge her death and offer "personalized" condolences. I didn't know the student very well at all, I think I only met her once, but I'm still affected by this senseless crime, as I think everyone should be. I know people die everyday, and people are even murdered everyday in the same way Becca was (gunshots) but this hits very close to home. Her particular apartment building is full of college students and Mission Hill is a popular spot for parties and other NU unofficial events. The sad truth is that it could've been any one of us. Sure, they haven't determined if she knew her attacker or was a victim of random violence, but that doesn't matter. The truth remains that we are all at risk, however slight. It doesn't matter that the odds are in your favor if you are the one person who ends up suffering/dying.
I was surprised that abcnews picked up this story, but when I read their article it became clear why they jumped on the story. Abcnews is constantly reporting on half-truths and false conspiracy rumors, their site really borders on a tabloid sometimes. They spent half of the article about this talking about all of the other young college aged females who have been murdered in the last year or so around the country. They were trying to insinuate that there is some sort of epidemic, that widespread fear and panic are appropriate responses. I am happy for coverage of this crime because so often the media ignores violence in urban areas, but I wish that a more reputable source would investigate like perhaps cnn? No media outlet is perfect, but I feel that the NU community should demand coverage, demand assistance in finding this killer and ensuring a conviction.
Who knows how NU will really respond, if at all. Apparently a vigil is taking place as I type these words in the Sacred Space, but I am not optimistic about the number of attendees. I understand the need for those who were very close to Becca to grieve privately and have their own gathering for support and understanding, but when one Husky is taken (not by an accident or unfortunate medical condition, but by another human being) we need to band together to demand the only form of justice legal in the U.S. court system. We should be publicly mourning her death, but also taking steps to preventing further tragedies like this. There is no way to make the city completely safe, but educating residents about when to call 911, to be more vigilant about letting strangers into their apartment and traveling in pairs or groups would do something.
I guess I'm just at a loss. I feel helpless and ineffectual. I don't want Becca to be forgotten because when we forget the past we open ourselves to experiencing the same loss all over again.
I know I'm not making too much sense and oversimplifying everything, but I've just been thinking a lot about how everything can change in your life in an instant and how much suffering so many people are going through this very second. Lately I have been bombarded by an undeniable truth that the world can be cruel to those who deserve it least and it's hard to reconcile that. It's hard to stop taking my relative stability and health for granted because otherwise I would live in fear of losing everything all the time, and that sort of paranoia is unbearable.
We all just go on hoping that we, or someone we love, won't be next.