Anytime, Anywhere, Anything

Jan 09, 2008 16:24

Yes, yes, Maggie and Louie had puppies after all and that is the link to the pictures of the eight, adorable little monsters. I cannot wait until Saturday when I get to see them myself, but the pictures show how cute they are. *melts a little inside*

I'm back in Shields now for the next couple of days - so I can catch all the way up on things I was only catching the edges of over the past week. Lumos, my friends page, Guitar Hero III with my brother... etc. etc. Annabelle nearly lost her mind when I walked in and wouldn't leave me alone for a solid fifteen minutes. I think she thought that maybe I would just leave again instead of giving her all of the attention that she believes she so richly deserves.

Holland was fantastic. I mean, a friend named Pizza, another one who talks a lot like Eddie Izzard (fantastic, Maggie, really), a mall bigger than any I've been in since that trip to Milwaukee... loved it. Love love love love.

season: winter, family, freakin' sweet, fuzzy little mammals, good times, going on an adventure bbl, friends

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