Isn't It Cute?

Jan 01, 2008 13:18

Hello to all of my LJ-friends in the brand newness that is 2008!! ^-^

No, I did not get drunk last night. I only had one glass of my Uncle Mark's fantastic homemade wine. It was just a really good time for all of us. Yeah, the Red Wings got shut out for the first time all season, but once that bit of harsh was over everything got better.

Now I am the first one awake - which makes no sense, because Kristen and Lindsay passed out way before me, and sitting next to a very content, fat Zoie who wants nothing more than to have her belly rubbed.

January: Ohhhh, January was a tough time. I got put on meds that only held up for about five months that I didn't really like in the first place. Then I went back up to Northern to begin the best semester ever, despite a bit of a rough spot. I'm pretty sure that this was the month when I super-glued my fingers to the super glue tube, Missy and Cyndi attacked and put make-up on me, and Lee and I went for really long walks down at the beach after a couple hockey games.

February: Started dating Lee! Followed up quickly by a catastrophe in ice skating class that involved my chin, my lip, my teeth and the ice. Four stitches in my lip right before Valentine's Day (go figure, right? No kisses!), but they were out in time for that double-date we had with Cyndi and Ryan. Mom met Lee and approved of my taste this time around - I met Lee's mom and Andy, and they apparently liked me.

March: Birthday! Along with a snowstorm that hit right before Spring Break, causing several students to be unable to leave for an extra couple of days. Mom bought me Caboose (hamster) during break, and I spent pretty much the entire time doing absolutely nothing important with Lee. St. Patrick's Day was also this month - and that was an adventure of epic proportions. Me, Cyndi, Missy, Sally, Jalayna and Mandy... good times, I'm telling you.

April: April Fool's Day involved a prank that lasted right up until the end of the year - quarters super-glued to the sidewalk in front of Payne Hall. There were also several fun trips to Presque Isle. And also a freak snowstorm that gave us two straight snow days in April. Have to love living in Marquette if only for that reason. This was also the month were I learned that I had been elected the next President of Playground, a proud moment for me.

May: Semester ended and everyone went to their separate homes :( I went to Munising to live, and got a job at the Subway there. It was filled with learning where everything was, spending a lot of time on the beach, and getting used to being in the same house as my mother and step-father again.

June: Lee gave me a huge surprise when she showed up in Munising for our four month anniversary. This was followed by a trip downstate for Kid and Rachels' graduation parties, which Lee came along for. It was generally fun, and ended with a trip to Mackinac Island. The rest of the month was pretty much work, take the tours, and ride around on my bike. The month ended with Kid coming up to live in Munising with mom as well. June is generally my worst month, and this one had really bad moments that I wish had never happened, but it was good overall.

July: The Fourth of July fireworks display was absolutely fantastic and beautiful from Munising! I don't think that I've ever seen anything quite as beautiful before. This month was when I went downstate to visit with everyone. Everyone being the Faulman side of my family (Kendra and John were back from their respective military posts), see OotP, get the Deathly Hallows, and celebrate Rachel's eighteenth birthday. On the way back up I stopped in Mackinaw to stay with Lee for about five or six days. That was a lot of fun, and I saw a lot more of the Island than I ever had. Two days there with complete free reign, a bicycle. That's probably a part of the reason why I want to get a job there this upcoming summer.

August: Boring month at first. Followed by a fun family camping trip near Chatham; an epic day trip to Grand Island with mom and Kid on my last full day in Munising. Then it was back to school for the start of the new school year and my reign as president of Playground.

September: Nothing really interesting happened this month that I can recall. I was getting along with my roommate, then she turned a little strange, and we stopped talking regularly. But nothing really out of the ordinary... oh, I went to work at the Subway in Marquette only to find that one of the girls just would not get along with me. It was a mellow month, mostly.

October: Some minorly important fun times with friends happened, but nothing especially noticeable. I think I argued with Lee once or twice, but it was patched up quite well. I came to realize that working with Jessica at Subway made me want to slit my wrists.

November: There were definite rough patches with a friend, but they got fixed. Kristen and Lindsay came up for a visit, and that went over really well. Sure, NMU got trounced royally by Miami, but it was still a fun weekend. Thanksgiving went okay, original plans died big time, but Uncle Dan has a really nice house that I'm glad I got to see. Also got to see Danny for the first time since June, and that was good. NMU got it's first win against WMU this month as well.

December: My roommate moved out and we all came back downstate for winter break. Ended up spending a lot of time watching TV, playing games, and just hanging out. Went to my first ever Saginaw Spirit hockey game, which was pretty full of win. Christmas was cool too, first one we ever spent at Uncle Mike and Aunt Jackie's instead of Grandma Marlyn's. Lee came over after Christmas what for Guitar Hero, bowling and New Year's Eve. And that was it!

Now I have to get packed and such so that Lee and I can be on our merry little ways to Holland! First time I'll ever be there...

family, fill-out, freakin' sweet, game, party, going on an adventure bbl, friends

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