Mar 13, 2007 23:56
day 2!::
wieght 115.5 lbs. in the morn
water consumed, 2500 ml
calories consumed: 367 !!(way higher again... but still not disheartend cos i definitly burnt it all)
calories burned: 940 (i always lower th calories burned and round the calories consumed up so it looks like i have to work heaps harder)
feeling pretty good, sorted stuff out with the boy:) now i want to please him more than ever so ging to do a good cardio workout tomoro and miss out (as id planned anyway) on the brothers birthday fam feast!!
oh, calories from food: carrot, apple, bit of burger and small handful twisties. (burger an twisties not good... not so much detoxing but still the cals were lo)
burned calories by little gym, LOADs of walking and a few hours of dance