It's that time of the semester...already

May 06, 2013 18:46

I've got two more days of classes and am done with everything by next Monday. So in the next week I have to:

1) Write a 6-7 page contextualized reading paper. For some reason, I chose to analyze a Petrarch poem (Riem Sparse 190) with a feminist/new historical lens. Egads! What's wrong with me?
2) Re-edit 2 essays for a final portfolio. This wouldn't take that much time, except I think my re-edit on one of the papers will involve heading in a new direction. Oops!
3) 2 Final Quizzes. One of which shouldn't be too bad. The other of which is going to be a pain since I still have to read "When Abortion Was A Crime" (this book is a crime! really dry 200 pages to get through) and bits of another book. Plus it involves hand-written short answers and an essay. We're a generation of laptop users, so this will be amusing.
4) A little more work on o-fic (which has been well received, huzzah!) and an analysis of my writing process (awkward)
5) Scrambling to arrange an internship for next semester. Please let something work out.
6) An extra credit report on the interpretative reading of The Giver ... which will also be posted as a blog once the assignment is handed in

It doesn't look any more or less itemized on a white screen than it does scrambled in my head. None of it is doing anything to help the low level of anxiety that is slowly building up. I've been gunning for an A in all my classes this semester, so fingers crossed and heave-ho for this final push.

Let's not forget, Mother's Day is this Sunday. We're attempting to surprise my mom by having my sister come home on Sunday. This will involve lying and getting up insanely early. Not sure we'll be able to pull this off haha

Cousin's wedding is coming up end May and I've been roped into doing a dance during one of the ceremonies. I was expecting it, and I enjoy dancing so it's not much of a hardship. I'm just ever-more self-conscious because I'm much heavier since the last time I performed in front of an audience. :\ And it's just going to be three of us (as long as a cousin doesn't flake) so hopefully the stage/dance floor isn't too big or we'll just look really silly

Alright, this is already longer than I thought it would be, so... ciao!

writing, tests, stress, exam, family, marriage

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