Hello Summer 2013

May 02, 2013 08:33

In honor of the changing weather, I've taken on a summery theme. Also, *points to new userhead* Thank you so much of_anoesis for my pretty new identity. I think she suits me quite well.

The semester is wrapping up with long papers and final cumulative quizzes. There's a lot due within one week - WHY!? *stresses in bits and pieces*

My conference presentations went well. Excuse me while I gloat and self-congratulate a bit: I got the most questions during Q&A and totally felt like a real author, many people have said they want to know what comes next - very flattering - one person said my story was epic (not in the slang, pop-culture way), people are still talking about it (thank you little birdy who happens to work on the same floor as all the English professors).

Okay, I'm done.

Not much else - job hunt, spring cleanup, stress management, blah blah. You know, life as usual.

writing, update

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