Jun 01, 2010 01:25
Well, March, April and May certainly passed by in a blur. The last 2 and a half months included finals from last semester, a much needed trip back home, and return to the islands for another semester; my last semester!
I'm three weeks into this semester and already looking forward to getting back home. Not a surprise to those who read me regularly right ;)
There was a blanket epiphany that these next few months are the last many of us will ever spend with each other. Everyone is in the mind-frame to make the most of this time we have left. My little "crew" of friends is as crazy as ever, and yet we seem even more outrageous this time around. In the scant 15-20 days we've been here, we've already, collectively taken over 500 pictures to remember the most mundane and interesting moments of our lives on the island (and oh yes, at Med School). It promises to be a semester of 1000s of pictures, 100s of memories and 10s of super special moments. We're packing everything we possibly can into the 12weekends we have left together, from trips to the beach (despite the torrential rain) to girls night outs to movie dates en masse. There's almost a sense of desperation or anxiety in the way we try to spend every possible moment together, entertaining each other. It's as if we are worried we will never have the time or opportunity to have this much fun ever again.
In a way it's true. These next three months are the last of our "leisure" months. After this is an intense study session, followed by the dreaded Step I and then the Clinicals. And realizing that the Clinicals are going to be a reality within a year is scaring most of us, even if we deny it. Once we cross the threshold and enter the Clinicals, we will forever leave behind the era of vacations and trips back home, semesters and professors, spontaneous trips to the beach and hot summer evenings spent waiting for the power to come back. The Clinicals will mark an entry (finally?) into the "real" or "adult" world, where we work (though without pay), plan and schedule. Trips back home will have to be squeezed in between learning how to deliver a baby and applying pressure to a gushing gun shot wound. Fun will exist, but in limited quantity as I'm certain sleep will be more precious than the latest movie.
Well, enough fretting about what has yet to happen. At the moment, I'm wondering who decided 24 hours was sufficient for one day's worth of work! But there's no use wasting time on things I can't change.. I'd rather get my zzz's now so I can be fresh for tomorrow (today).
Best wishes to everyone as we enter the last month of the first half of the year!
medical school