I finally completed a new layout!!!!!! It took intense code-manipulating because I'm a very challenged child! =P Check it out =) Let me know if it needs any tweaks. The base code is by
refuted, but I did a fair bit on my own so yes... squee and happiness. And the lovely artwork in the banner is mine - wish I could own the subject matter as well! ;)
In NaNo news - there's hardly any update. I haven't had a chance to write since I've had tests till today. Just when I thought I had at least a week off, it turns out I have another test Tuesday of next week. *sigh* But there's plenty of time in between, so I plan on getting cracking on that. I was going to do a layout of where I think the story is going...but then I decided to let the characters and situations write themselves. I think I'm about to jump to a different section in the plot next....before the first chapter is even finished! hehe
I'm doing graphic manip again (making siggies and icons)... and I forgot how fun it was! =D Someone wanna pay me to do this!? hehe
Countdown is into the 40s now...I'm excited and nervous. Excited because that brings me closer to home. Nervous because it brings me closer to finals!
All else is quiet... health and all are fine. Toe is healing nicely. I'm doing a bit of yoga in the morning (Surya Namaskar), because the last time I did, I noticed a visible change in my pant size ;) Definitely something I want to achieve again. If Kareena Kapoor can go from thin-ish to skeleton by doing Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhaati...then so can I! =D Errr.... nix the skeleton part. I just wanna lose the spare tire hehe