End of Semester Jibber

May 10, 2006 21:03

My, it's hard to believe my first year in college is practically over!!!!!!
At the moment I am doing what I do best; putting off studying for my Chem final - which is tomorrow!!!!

I have had a rather interesting year! College has definitely been quite the experience. I've met a few people I would like to maintain relations with the rest of my life. Of the five other girls in my suite I was already friends with Caitlin (my roommate). I also became close friends with Danielle. We are three very different and very unique people, but the three of us get along really well too. A red head, a blonde, and a raven-haired girl ... the three of us make a strange sort of "Charlie's Angels" team. :D

Outside of my suite I have made some really good friends as well. Of all the people I have met at UA, I have gotten very fond of Leslie in particular. She's somewhat of a role model and someone I get along with really well. She's like that cool older sister who's more like a best friend that I never really had.

I won't bore you with the details of this year. I don't really remember them myself anyway. I might just post memories (with pix!!!) later though. It has been a momentous and amazing year!

At the end of this year I find myself involved in Res Life and Five Quad. Res Life will be a great experience. I will be back as an RA on the freshman quad. It should be interesting to say the least. The people I work with are amazing! They are a bunch of unique and fun people with whom, I am sure, I will have a great time. I really look forward to it! =)

After some preliminary training and a hairraising time with the written and practical test, I am also now a member of Five Quad. Five Quad is the school's voluntary ambulance service. I look forward to gaining experience through FQ. This organization is also comprised of many different and interesting people. So I'm sure I'll make good friends amongst them as well.

Being involved in these two commitments, as well as being a pre-med student, leaves me with next to no time. And yet...and yet I find myself holding the "Cultural Director" position for ASIA (Albany Student's Indian Association) for the term of '06-'07. What the heck was I thinking!!!??? I'm not sure why people allowed me to go through with it? I don't even know why I nominated myself in the end after having looked at the demands made on this position (it was the longest list of the freakin' sheet!) and the limited time (absolutely none!) I would have available to concentrate on this job.

But lo and behold! You are now looking at a Sophomore in college who will be a Cultural Director (e-board member) and EMT (training this summer...certified by the end) and First year RA (on a freshman quad!!!) and Preceptor (for an honors course, though I'm not sure if I'm a still an honors student or not) AND Pre-med student (one of the hardest tracks to follow!). The worst part...I'm taking Physics, Genetics and Organic Chemistry next year. That and the RA training course. Not to mention the class I'm preceptor (TA) for.

The 3 real classes I am taking are all high-stress. My RA training course, while a joke, is still quite time consuming and I actually have to put forth the time and effort. The honors course I will be preceptoring (made up word! :D) .. it will all depend on whether I get an easy professor, like Chepaitis, to work with...or some hard-ass. (Please lord!!!! Don't let it be Ng!!!)

Being an RA is a 24/7 job full of obligations, responsibilities and pressure. Being an EMT is a stressful thing full of responsibilities. Being a student is gonna kill me - especially since I'm going to have to work my ass off to do well. I am not sure why I added on to my responsibilities and the pressure by becoming the Cultural Coordinator.

Being Cultural Coordinator sounds easy, no? Especially considering my background as Cultural Coordinator and VP for International Club in high school. But this is college...the whole game is completely different. I am now in charge of putting 3 different cultural shows together. Much as I have pride in being brown...I cringe at the mere thought of having to work with a large group of them. Typical to the Indian mentality, the kids here too procrastinate, are always at least half an hour late, are extremely lazy and incompetent and will harass me to within an inch of my life to get their way. Oh the drama! Oh the tenstion! Oh the pressure! Oh the misery! What have I gotten myself into!!!??? ='(

Somebody save me!!!! I need that chest to lean back on and those strong arms holding me tight now more than ever!!!!

Alright, now I have to go back (more like finally pay attention) to the stresses of having two Chem tests tomorrow. After that.. I have the entire weekend to worry about the friggin' Bio exam.

test, stress, preceptor, job, update, e-board

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