It's been done...but once again ...

May 04, 2006 17:04

1) How do you think the future will play out for you?
The future... that's a heavy question. I would like it to work out so that I end up going to Med School after 3 years. And then hopefully I can be a doctor. I sincerely hope I don't stay in Albany. For all its benefits ... I still would like to move out. Probably to India, though I'm not sure how that would pan out. The only thing I would hate having to leave behind is my family. :(

2) What are the 5 things you hate most about going to UAlbany?
LOL...getting free info hunh! :P ;)
a) I absolutely hate the drunk idiots who go here. But then, that's something I would have faced at any school. It just seems more so...because it's so immediate!
b) I hate the concreteness sometimes - but you get used to it, and you get used to ignoring it.
c) I hate the limited bus service. Not the timings's just that I have to pay for all busses except 10, 11 and 12. And I find myself having to take the 13 a hell of a lot when I'm volunteering at AMC.
d) I hate the limited resources at Albany. I know that sounds weird since I live so close to the Mall...but then I don't really like the mall (so friggin expensive!!!). There just doesn't seem to be enough around the campus to do or shop at.
e) I hate the expenses - no one ever mentions the side expenses that build up at college. Membership fees for the different clubs, fees for lab cards and lab kits....there's a fee for everything!!! :( I also hate how expensive EVERYTHING (especially the food) is...but that's the cheap Indian in me talking I guess...

3) What are the 5 best things about Albany?
a) The Indian community here. What can I say!? I'm a FOB ... and I'm proud of it! :P No's great. I was involved in dancing and had a blast both semesters! :D
b) The Campus Center - AVOID the cafeteria. It is injuriuous to your health! :( But the food at the CC is actually pretty decent! :D
c) Ritazza - where would I be without my Tall RockyRoad? or my Tall NuttyIrishman??? AH! :)
d) The variety - in everything from courses and professors to clubs and activities. :)
e) *hmm...uh oh! I'm running out... LOL no.... the best part is that I'm so close to home! I never have to worry about laundry, food, money...any of that. And I have the luxory of going home whenever I want! :)

4) In what ways do you think you've changed since you have graduated from high school?
I think I've become more independent, more outgoing, have gained a stronger sense of self-confidence and have learned to make sound choices and judgements. :)

5) Where did you actually want to go to this past year over UAlbany and why didn't you go?
I really wanted to (and still kinda do...) go to Univ of Rochester. It's a great school with a name that is recognized. Eventually at some point that name on the resume will probably look better than UAlbany. But I realize the education ultimately is the same. It the expectancy level that differs...which pushes students further and farther at UofR. But I'm content at Albany. I chose it because my parents told me to... LOL. That and they were right when they said that Albany would afford me a better chance at Med. School.
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