Oct 31, 2010 13:36
Now that I've finally managed to peel Garnet off of me, I can do this. She's been wanting me with her constantly the past day or two, and it's been next to impossible for me to do anything without her. I hope that doesn't mean she's going to end up with whatever illness has been going around.
It's been a lot more chaotic than usual today, and I'll be glad when things wind down. That probably won't be until pretty late, but we'll see. Markez is going to be one hell of a terror after tonight, so the winding down probably won't actually happen for days. Oh, how I look forward to that.
The house looks very Halloweeny, thanks mostly to Bridget. She certainly does know how to give Halloween the proper atmosphere. She could probably make money doing it. It's something she might want to consider. Of course, it will be less fun when it comes to taking everything down. I wonder if she'll be present for that as well or if we're stuck with that work. I suppose we'll find out.
I'm going to make this entry shorter than usual due to the chaos as well as the fact that Garnet is hanging onto my leg begging for me to watch cartoons with her. There are worse fates, I suppose.
Have a good day, everyone.