Half-assed class is half-ass

Jan 20, 2009 15:55

Sorry about the language, but there is no other word to describe what is technically known as 'Health Career Core 0001.' I should have just stayed home today and watched the inauguration, I really should have. Because what I missed it for was NOT worth it. We took an exam. That didn't take very long, seeing as it was only 20 questions. However, we then had to spend the following hour and a half listening to our 'instructor' make and take personal calls on her cell phone. When she finally hung up, we spent at least 40 minutes going over the damn syllabus. We were informed that on the 26th of this month, we will be evaluated by another instructor on certain skills and competence in "Safety or moving patients or something like that." I kid you not. She told us that she wasn't going to teach these things to us and that we had better study to figure them out on our own. If these are physical things that need to be practiced, there is no way we're going to pass just by reading about them. Then she got to talking about the 200 question final exam coming up in February. Oh boy . . . and one poor lady had the nerve to ask if we would be doing a review before hand. The nerve of her, right?

We then spent a good 20 minutes sitting there wide-eyed and open-mouthed as we got chewed out and told to "Act like friggin' adults, you are not in the 13th grade!" We're also going to be tested on CPR and First Aid, neither of which she is going to teach us, either. And that over half the class failing our first exam last week was OUR FAULT because three people passed it, proving it's not impossible. And the top grade was still only 86, and that's with 50 questions being worth two points each. Half the class failed, because she put shit on the exam that we hadn't covered! As one person so eloquently put it -

"Dis class is fuckin' screwed. All us in here gonna fail!"

Why was my classmate able to make such a robust statement without fear of rebuttal? Because after chewing us out, the instructor left the room crying and didn't come back for 15 minutes. I feel like I'm stuck in an episode of Desperate Housewives, I really do. This lady is 'nice' and all, but she's a piss poor instructor for this damn prerequisite class. As soon as she mentioned she'd never taught this class before, I knew we were messed up. Just like lots of places I've had job orientation at.

We talked for a while today about catheters. Disgusting, but utterly fascinating stuff. I had no idea that my bladder is capable of falling right out of my uretha. I could probably sit and listen to people share penis, vagina, and urine stories all day, but we were not studying catheters today. We were studying medical terminology, absolutely sticky stuff that I know I'll never remember and I know will be on a test for me to fail spectacularly on.

I'm going to see my counselor tomorrow to get this shit cleared up, because there is no way we drained my parents saving account and my checking account for me to put up with this. I either want things to improve or be moved to the class next to us with a competent teacher. I'm not forking out tuition and getting up at the fucking buttcrack of dawn five days a week to HOMESCHOOL myself! If I wanted a correspondence course, I would have taken one, and perhaps not gotten so friggin stressed about deadlines. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I was an A-B student in high school and can't pass a stinking prerequisite, or that 3/4 of the class is failing right along with me.

Look at what I'm listening to right now, ugh. I can't stand that kind of music, I really can't, but right now it sounds sooooo therapuetic!

P.S. Well, at least I caught the last few minutes of Obama's speech on the radio driving home, it was lovely and very inspiring. Still would have really liked to watch the ceremony, though.

P.P.S. To the person who honked at me in the parking lot this morning because I dared to walk across the crosswalk, kindly go fuck yourself sideways with a rusty dinner knife. I had, or would have had plenty of time to cross if you hadn't been speeding like Evil Knievel in a 15mph zone. And FYI, pedestrians have the right of way.

P.P.P.S. To the person who sits in the back row of class and kept snorting and snoggling very loudly every three minutes this morning, stop it. Just stop. That's waaay up there on my list of pet peeves. Excuse yourself, and go to the bathroom and hock one up in private or blow your nose like a considerate person. If you don't, I might just snap one of these days and hit you so hard, your grandchildren will be picking bits of your facial bones out of your brain.

That is all.


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