Well . . . Dad was home most of the weekend. So all that studying and writing I planned to do Saturday and Sunday? Completely shot. All weekend he was in the living room either snoring in a chair (#$! Trust me. Wanna piss me off? Fall asleep in any place that is NOT a bed). The rest of the time was spend with the TV blaring televangelists, Walker Texas Ranger DVDs, and The Dark Knight. I shut myself up in my room Sunday and got through the entire first season of Grey's Anatomy. I think I have a new show . . . I spent almost the entirety of today in front of this computer, writing a paper on Florence Nightingale and using textbook software to quiz myself on the differences between electrocardiograms and echo-cardiographs. -_- BUT! At least the paper is done, and I think I have a pretty good shot at getting a passing grade on the exam tomorrow instead of the embarrassingly abysmal scores I made last week. I'm just a wee bit disappointed that I'll be stuck in class all morning and I'll miss the inauguration, though. Guess I can watch it online later, but it's not the same, you know?
And I still had time to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas for the very first time (how sad is that?), make a smashing shrimp and spaghetti alfredo lunch, and feed the animals. And of course, catch up on the latest Dom goodness. Here's a clip from an upcoming episode of Chuck that he's guest starring in. Dear lord, he sounds like a screwed up Jack Sparrow impersonator XD
www.tvweek.com/blogs/blink/2009/01/post_2.php And a recent photo. EEEEE LEATHER PANTS! WANT! I think I'm going to have very good dreams tonight, if you know what I mean. And all this goodness and more can be found at a lovely little place called