Nov 09, 2010 22:09
So . . . I invited Kenny over for Thanksgiving dinner. ZOMG. He was telling me how his kids won't be over because they'll be with their Mom, his Dad is going somewhere . . . everyone is going somewhere, so he didn't have any plans, but Volde-Mart did give him the day off. So I just told him to come on over, and he sounded really interested, unless he decides to try burning the house down cook something small with his brother, but I really hope he comes. We worked the same shift today, but I hardly got to see him at all. When Ashley is working, I always end up going to lunch really late, so by the time I finally got to go, his was already done *sniff* I'd really planned on trying to cozy up to him and flirt a little and junk, but alas, things don't always work out. Bah.
Also, good news. For the past few weeks, we've been down to one vehicle: mine. Dad bought a '95 S-10 that runs pretty good, so YAY. YAY. YAY. No more having Charles steal my truck when he needs it. I didn't realize how aggravating not being able to drive myself places was until I started doing it.
I was actually getting steadily more pissed as the day wore on since my plans to attempt wooing my poor friend were foiled, but the people in pharmacy really make things awesome. I used to think I was really aggravating Rash, one of the RPh's, but he seems to like me now. Dixie is a tech back there, and she's just . . . she's awesome. All the regular customers know and ask for her by name and she's got great rapport with everybody, and calls herself the peacemaker. She's the one always asking me questions and tonight asked if I'd ever been engaged, was I 'interested in anyone in the vicinity' and so on. I trust her, so I filled her in on what's going on and after squealing about how cute she thinks Kenny and I would be together, she told me that she and a bunch of other Walmartians are going to see Deathly Hallows later this month, and that I should come with them and invite him. So yep, I might have help now, LOL. All in all, a crummy day turned pretty darn awesome. And my special friend might come for Thanksgiving, fuck yes.