Nov 07, 2010 00:24
So . . . Megamind. Anyone seen it yet? I almost didn't go because my theater was only offering it in 3D, meaning higher prices, but I went anyways, with Charles. We went to the fair first but there just wasn't really anything interesting there, so he called up his friend and friend's sister to see if they wanted to do the movie with us. We had SO much fun, and went to Steak n' Shake afterwards, and did a silly photoshoot in the parking lot on my truck. But yeah, great movie, and good grief if I don't have a new fictional crush, because Megamind was an incredibly sexy guy. And cute.
Between fair and cinema though, Charles was desperate to burn time at . . . Wal-Mart, ugh. Kenny was outside on lunch though, so at least I got to pop in and see him for a little bit. He's cute, too. Especially when he's freezing cold but refuses to go indoors. I foresee upcoming opportunities to cuddle up to him with the excuse he needs to be warmed up . . . I mean what? Acts like a baby going out in the cold when he hates the cold, and I'll snuggle him like one, bwahaha. I think I'm coming to the point now where I either need to start being forward and possibly making him uncomfortable or . . . the opposite. This kind of thing could go on for years and I'd really rather if it didn't, I need to know.
I really am glad I decided to go out and do stuff with people for a change though. It's easy to stay inside all weekend doing nothing and moping to myself about what (or who) I don't have, and I very nearly did just that. Yeah, these guys are younger than me and the girl's a little bit of a prude, but we had fun and had several people inside the restaurant looking at us outside like we were lunatics. I'll never be too old for this kind of behavior, never. We're gonna do it again when Deathly Hallows comes out, at least unless I get oblivious dingbat Kenny to go with me. I've stopped being mousy and quiet and started getting somewhat loud and obnoxious. And I like it. People like me. I just wish it didn't take me 26 years to come out of my shell!
good times