The past four weeks

Jun 15, 2011 06:10

If I've seemed... distracted... the last month or so, for those of you who are generally in contact with me, I apologize. I know there are several things that I have completely dropped the ball on, as Murphy had decided to initiate a blitzkrieg on my life for the past four weeks or so.

1. Grandpa died. It was to be expected as he was in his nineties and in poor health, but still it was sad.

2. About four days later, I rearended another car on the highway, due to a sudden backup of traffic and very, very wet pavement.

3. About five days later, a new contract is finally decided upon between the school board and the teachers. The increases in health care costs will effectively be a 3-4% reduction in salary for me.

4. Just after that, I pretty much lost my Memorial Day break due to being sick. Spent three days sleeping, mostly.

5. Four days after getting back to the classroom after Memorial Day, the serpentine belt of the car I had just gotten back a week earlier broke.

6. Jody left for a week and a half to go work at Lilies War, because his brand new job fizzled into nothingness. I am very much missing him.

7. And just a day after Jody was safely over 700 miles away, and five days after I got the car back from being fixed AGAIN, I did the ultimate stupid act of looking down at my phone while driving. Result was my car standing on the driver's side rather than on its wheels, me climbing up through the passenger door. *I* was physically fine except for some eventual aches and bruises; the car has just been deemed totaled. I really, really, really adored that little car.

I'm really hoping that this last thing was a spectacular enough incident that it qualifies as the grand finale of all this and the general run of craziness will calm down to an occasional issue or two to be dealt with at a time.

None of this is including a host of potential "what if's" that have been worrying me in general, such as various bills being pushed in the state legislature regarding teachers and the insecurity of no longer having a fixed rate mortgage and being completely unable to refinance, as planned, because the house is worth so little.

So... yeah... I'm feeling a little besieged at this point. My general plan is to get through the last three days of school and then start my summer vacation by climbing in a metaphorical cave for a few days and giving myself a chance to mentally and emotionally reboot.

And THEN I can focus on everything else, like going to gaming parties and working on garb commissions!
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