OOC: Things about Eustace

Nov 06, 2005 15:18

La. These sorts of memes are fun.

~Eustace really is quite a good chess player. He was good before he ended up on the Dawn Treader, and several weeks playing against Reepicheep and Edmund honed his skills. Edmund taught him the value of building up a strong defense. Reepicheep taught him the value of making impulsive moves and sacrifices. (Symbolism? Nope, no symbolism here. Move along.)

~Eustace actually likes Plumptree's Vitaminised Nerve Food with distilled water. He says if I actually make him tell anyone that, he'll. . . well, he'll do something, and it won't be particularly pleasant, all right?

~Eustace's clothes in-bar are more along the lines of T-shirt and jeans these days, and they make him uncomfortable. He liked having buttons to fiddle with.

~He really did love Harold and Alberta, though I don't know how easily he'll admit it -- especially to the Narnians. He knows they didn't do such a good job of raising him, in many ways, but they were his parents and they meant well, and he knows it. He misses them. And he doesn't think he'll see them in Aslan's Country.

~When Eustace has nightmares -- which isn't all that often -- he's sailing on the Dawn Treader, alone, through the darkness around the Dark Island.

More to be added as they come to me.
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