from here to eternity

Oct 26, 2014 23:38

# Went to see The Tale of Princess Kaguya from Studio Ghibli on Friday night. It was stunning in just about every way. Easily one of the top five or ten movies I've seen, just on its own merit, but it must have hit me where I live because by the time it ended I was kind of a mess. Like, for two hours after, intermittent weeping. Ridiculous. But also quite a release. I feel better now than I have in a long time. Possibly I should cry more often.

# I'm actually getting in a lot of entertainment the next few weeks. shadowc44 is taking me to see Mr. Cumberbatch in a recording of his Frankenstein on Monday, and next weekend a friend and I are seeing an actual production of Carmen. I've wanted to see it since my mom gave me a CD as a teenager. It didn't engender a real interest in opera as a genre, but I listened to it all the time and recorded it onto a tape that I still play every once in a while in my car. Then I might be going with the same friend to a Gershwin concert a few days later (more music of my teen years). Then my sis wants to see Big Hero 6 when it comes out.

# Am very excited for YT signups! I got mine in with 45 minutes to spare this morning, and will be writing my Dear Author letter in the next few days.

# Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [brings it]just so so brings it. I love the new characters, was sad when Lucy Lawless had to die, enjoy everyone's plotlines, and ship them all in a mix-and-match sort of fashion. Also, ADRIENNE PALICKI! You are finally a super-heroine, girl! With a snarky ex-husband, and Simmons is your friend, and you are MOCKINGBIRD. Nice.

Very, VERY intrigued by what they're doing with Simmons and Fitz. I don't really ship them, but I love their friendship. It seems to me Fitz's feelings for her have always been decidedly one-sided. Jemma clearly had no clue before his reveal. That is HEARTWRENCHING, but I think they can get past it, and Fitz has always had something about him wrt relationships that cries out for development. He sort of pines, or shows interest then never follows up on it, and always, always takes it to heart when someone betrays his trust. (They all do, but he is like the kickedest puppy ever.) Remember before Ward, when Skye did that thing and Fitz was so confused? His challenge now has been to branch out and take chances with new people and be a member of the team again and possibly confront his latent bisexuality(!), and that is just so so right for him. I would say he could date Simmons AND expand his social network, but I really do ship her with Skye. :D

Also, Coulson is giving hugs again! Whew. I was worried. That was a nice little scene in the abandoned office with him and Skye and her hell of a day.

# Doctor Who [has been fun too] - The pacing has been kind of funky in recent eps, but they are imaginative and funny and full of people with personality. I approve very much of the new Doctor, and they have rehabilitated Clara into a more rounded character, and the two of them have way more chemistry than Clara and Eleven. I like her bf, and her students, and am basically just having a really good time.

# Sleepy Hollow [:D] - I watched S1 on a whim a few weeks back and am happy I did. Ichabod is hilarious, and Abby reminds me of a young Elisa Maza, and they HUG. A LOT. That really works for me.

# Gracepoint [?] - Watching this after several rewatches of Broadchurch has been a little surreal, especially with the first few eps following the same script and sharing the same camera angles and filters as the original. It's been interesting to compare--and Broadchurch has come out ahead as objectively better, more organic, better acted, imo--but now the plots are finally diverging and I'm getting back into the mystery itself, since they changed the identity of the killer for this version. Without giving anything away for BC, I'm wondering how they can possibly manage the emotional resonance of the original reveal.

# SPN [carry on] - I have been down on poor show and unwilling to talk about it in public spaces much. I'm not engaged to the level of wanting to meta, and my criticisms kind of cut down to the fundamentals of the narrative, making it a little pointless to lay them all out in a reasoned way. Especially considering how much people are still enjoying the show; why rain on a perfectly good parade? That is the cool thing about fandom; other people's squee is often enough to make up for your own occasional disenchantment. <3

All that said, I still watch it by the week and have been enjoying demon!Dean quite a bit. The bit with the evolutionary psychologist husband was basically the best thing I have ever seen ever. And Crowley's crush on Dean has been fascinating. It's like he imprinted on the guy.

# I finally finished and mailed those forms to close the nonprofit I was working for. The relief is as good as I had hoped. Woo!

animation, broadchurch, rl, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., supernatural, doctor who

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