another day, another dollar to buy cat food with

Feb 16, 2012 22:10

A very sincere thank-you to locknkey, carina84, smilla02, and fannishliss for the lovely glass hearts. Hope you all received lots of half-price chocolate!

Last week was super-productive in many life areas, but this week, perhaps naturally, has been less so. I feel more inclined toward comfort food and rewatching Casablanca (see: last night's activities) than on working on school. Right now I feel a little frazzled and scattered, too much so to work on anything. Tomorrow, hopefully, I can make up for it by getting a few key things done, and by writing a couple of poems.

I submitted a proposal to a local school for adults for a workshop in Jewish poetry, and to prep in case it's accepted, I've been reading up more on the subject, as well as expanding my reading of the canon. So far I've been very affected by The Grandparent Poems by Michael Castro, enough so that I put down my book to let the poem sit and simmer for a day.

The cat is still with me. I am beginning to doubt she may ever get shipped over to her family in Israel, who want her back very much but can't find anyone to take her on a plane on their next visit to the Holy Land. Something tells me I am the proud new owner of a 7-year-old cat. Tonight she must have caught on to my scatteredness, because she was jumping all over the furniture and crouching down in a hunting position at the slightest noise. She's asleep at my hip, though, paws splayed and cute as anything. I really have no idea what to do with her besides keep her around, though I wonder if my studio is too small and boring; she's youngish and spry and might need more stimulation? Or am I projecting? Staying in my place 24/7 would drive me nuts.

Of the fannish, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when I might use the evening to edit some podfic, and if not, then definitely Saturday. One of the poems I mentioned is for SPN, at *ahem* someone's urging. After that... I don't know, probably more school stuff!

Speaking of podfic, though, I am having trouble accessing ANY and ALL filesharing sites, since my IP is blocking all the ones I know about. My thought is to make torrents, but I can't figure out how. :P Any help or advice appreciated. (And yes, this does mean I can't DL a ton of podfic either. A sad situation.)

This is my 500th post! Sorry there's nothing profound... except for the fact of you reading it. ♥

rl, cat, poetry, recs

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