Yuletide FTW!

Dec 26, 2010 00:00

First things first: my Yuletide writer, [eta: Idhren] is freakin' talented. Ze wrote me a Beowulf poem that could almost be a missing fragment of a translation of the original. I don't even know where to start in praising it (my word-hoard is verklempt!), so here's a sample that speaks for itself:

In time Hrethel gave this gem-woman to mighty ( Read more... )

yuletide, beowulf, movies, recs

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halfshellvenus December 26 2010, 23:43:11 UTC
Oh, you English majors and the things you request for Yuletide!

Sounds as if the person did an amazing job, though. So many of the requests for things like yours are ones where I think, "I could write that. But I'm not sure I could write 1000 words' of it!" I mean, someone asked for a Cat Macro story once. 1000 words of Cat macro?!?

OTOH, watching the things go by on the pinch-hit, I often feel lucky if I even know the fandom. There are many that just make me boggle, and then I feel bad because I can't help out. :(

Your Christmas celebration sounds lovely-- my family is agnostic, so Christmas is a long-standing family day with gifts and everything but the religion. For those who are Jewish, it's a day off that the whole family might have, AND you can see matinees in practically empty theaters! \o/

Is "The Emperor's New Groove" the one with Krank/Kronk (sp) in it? Patrick Warburton would be the only part I'd remember (I love Patrick Warburton), though if that's the movie then I think John Goodman is also in it.

"Hoodwinked!" It features Patrick Warburton too-- you know you want to see it!


desertport December 27 2010, 05:32:37 UTC
Ha! You cannot know how much I squeed when I saw Beowulf on the fandom list. And then to get that poem--! ♥

Sadly, I just thought of at least two plots for a 1k cat macro fic. The first is about a day in the life of a person who makes cat macros all the time. The second is about a really cute cat who's sick of being photographed and tries to find ways to end the madness.

It's really cool that you're doing pinch-hits (or is it done by now? I believe there's a madness thing after?) at all, and omg, there are so many fandoms. Every time I browse the list, I feel so under-read.

I'm getting to enjoy Christmas Day over here. PDX gets really empty and quiet and it's kind of nice. Oh, I need to show you this video! http://www.hulu.com/watch/1373/saturday-night-live-christmas-for-the-jews-song

ENG is indeed the one with Kronk and John Goodman. Is Patrick Warburton the voice of Kronk? I think it's worth a rewatch, just entertaining, funny bromance with cool art.

Hoodwinked! Next on my list! Promise! :)


halfshellvenus December 27 2010, 07:20:40 UTC
Ah, your cat-macro plots remind me again that I tend to take too literal an approach to these things!

I have never seen that video before! And what an amalgam of bizareness-- driving a tractor! Circumcizing "grateful" squirrels (rogue Mohel-- look out!). :0

Patrick WB is indeed the voice of Kronk. He has this dry ability to pull off "suave stupidity" much like Leslie Nielsen did, and it's just so funny.

Hoodwinked is great storytelling, and you'll never think of a cartoon goat the same way again afterward. ;)


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